What Brings About the High Incidence of Nuvaring Lawsuits?

About 150 Nuvaring lawsuits have been filed yearly on behalf of women who have been affected by the Organon product.  The Nuvaring is more than just an ordinary birth control pill that women take once a day.  It is actually a vaginal ring which extends to a month’s use once prescribed by physicians.  Despite this fact, a Nuva ring lawsuit occurs one after the other.  The FDA had provided warnings on the labels of this product but had not totally banned it after all.  Here are some of the cases drawn from Nuvaring lawsuits.

There is a predominant increase in the incidence of blood clots.  The process involves insertion of the ring in the vaginal section.  The product will be removed on the 21st day after insertion in order to allow women to menstruate.  When the monthly period ends, another ring will be used.  The process repeats time and again that is why dangerous blood clots are predominant, thus leading to a Nuva ring lawsuit.

Leg strokes are developed.  Any birth control pill or method containing estrogen could cause leg strokes although cases are extremely low in nature.  It is not as severe as the blood clots, however, some women still find it necessary to find Nuvaring lawsuits should they be affected by this body condition.  This is mainly because it is hard for them to do their usual chores under their said state.

Blood coughing also happens.  The blood coughing associated with the use of Nuvaring is called pulmonary embolism.  Signs could not apparently be seen on the first week of usage but as it takes more time, the effects may be transparent.  Some cases under a Nuva ring lawsuit would blame the blood coughing to the ring.  A series of actual tests need to be done before ruling out the cause.  Once the contraceptive is found guilty, Nuvaring lawsuits are filed.

The worst case scenario may lead to death.  Believe it or not, cases are filed by relatives of patients who were found dead due to the use of the Nuvaring contraceptive.  A Nuva ring lawsuit in this instance is certainly necessary in order to give justice to what had taken place.  While others would remain maim about the issue, some people find it necessary to file Nuvaring lawsuits.  “It is hard to lose someone you love,” this is the usual statement of family members and peers.

Even if there are possibilities of filing Nuvaring lawsuits, this does not mean that blame should always be placed on the contraceptive for the sickness and death of a dear person.  Responsibility is the bottom line here especially that the manufactures of the Nuvaring had stated necessary precautions on the product inserts.  Physicians are also advised to give proper administration to their patients and state clearly all the adverse affects associated with the product use.  Filing a Nuva ring lawsuit is just a prerogative but is not necessary to settle everything.  After all, it may cost too much time, money and effort on the part of the patient.