Heart bypass and kidney failure have one very significant and important thing in common, the drug Trasylol. Trasylol was Bayer Pharmaceuticals former all-star drug that was once one of its top performers. It was released onto the market in 1993 and for almost 16 years it was the most common drug used in open-heart surgeries. However, skepticisms of the drug made people at Bayer a little nervous which prompted them to conduct their own study in 2005 of the side effects of Trasylol. What they found would prompt them to make very unethical and irresponsible decisions. Bayer found that Trasylol directly causes kidney complications and failure in those who were administered the drug during surgery. Heart bypass and kidney failure are the two words that Bayer decided to hide, essentially not coming forward with their study. For a good chunk of there revenues were stemming directly from their Trasylol sales.

Another important fact that contributes to the shady practices of Bayer and the pharmaceutical drug industry is that Trasylol sold for $1000 per dose while comparable drugs sold for $50 per dose. Was that extra $950 incurred so that kidney complications would also be included with your purchase? This fact also shows how medical institutions chose to administer more costly drugs because they essentially get a cut of the profit. Heart bypass and kidney failure that were linked from Trasylol are a pricey item. So for two years from the time that Bayer knew about the side effects of Trasylol they were benefiting from people that experienced kidney failure. This is a daunting thought to consider but the facts do not lie.

In order for shady practices like these to no longer exist, stronger sanctions and greater regulations must be placed on pharmaceutical companies. This will enable consumers and medical institutions to ensure that the product they are putting into their body is of the greatest quality. No one should ever have to associate heart bypass and kidney failure directly to the negative effects of Trasylol. For once greater constrictions are put on pharmaceutical drugs people can concentrate on things other than the negative side effects of the drugs they are currently taking. Bayer’s practices show how profits can take hold of a company and turn it into the unethical company that it currently is.

If you or a loved has unfortunately had to associate heart bypass and kidney failure with Trasylol first hand, contact a lawyer immediately. For there are time constraints on these types of cases which could severely limit your ability to file a clam and gain a settlement to cover your expenses and pain and suffering. In order to make sure that no other pharmaceutical company practices they way that Bayer did, file a Trasylol lawsuit. The message will be sent that consumers are not going to allow this type of behavior to fly. Don’t let a corporation take over your life by allowing them to associate heart bypass and kidney failure with Trasylol any longer.