Every Dog Owner Should Know

The latest statistics have shown that dogs bite 4.7 million people in America each year.
There are 62 million dogs in the United States.  Unfortunately, Americans are purchasing more fiercer breeds and are leaving their dogs more often at home alone, untrained, and unsupervised.  Most dog bites or attacks occur when dogs are tied up long periods of time or spend most of their time by themselves and therefore are not used to strangers.  Of course, these dogs have also not had basic obedience training.
A dog owner is liable for every bite his or her dog inflicts on another person.  The old law was that an owner was not liable unless the dog had already shown it was likely to hurt someone.  However, the law has changed.  Most states including California hold owners liable for any harm their dog causes to another person.  This is true whether or not the owner believed beforehand that their dog was dangerous.  Dog owners are responsible for an injured person's lost wages, medical expenses, etc.  Dog owners can prevent bites by teaching their dog.  It's that simple.  You must, as an owner, train and socialize your pet.  There are humane societies everywhere which offer low cost basic obedience classes which we highly recommend you enroll for you or your dog if you haven't already done so.
Further tips are as follows:

a.    Never let a dog run at large.
b.    Keep your dog's vaccinations current.
c.    Keep your dog out of stranger's paths such as salespeople, mail
carriers- anyone who comes to your front door.  Keep your dog away from the front door.

We hope our article has helped you preventing dog attacks of your animal.
We are dog bite lawyers who specialize in representing dog bite victims.  If you or a loved one was a victim of a dog bite, please contact the California dog bite lawyers at Nadrich & Cohen at 800-718-4658.  We have 8 offices in California and specialize in dog bite cases.  We work on a contingency fee basis which means our clients owe no fee unless we first obtain a recovery for them.  Since you will never pay one penny unless we win, you should always hire the best lawyer you can.  As dog bite specialists having recovered hundreds of millions of dollars on behalf of our clients, Nadrich & Cohen is one of the premier dog bite law firms in California.  Call now for a free confidential legal consultation and put our law firm to work for you.