Traumatic Brain Injuries

A traumatic brain injury is caused by the brain moving within the skull and colliding with the wall of the skull. These injuries can be extremely severe and are often life-changing. If you have suffered from a traumatic brain injury, you may be entitled to compensation for your medical bills, future medical bills, lost wages, future lost wages, or even pain and suffering. Symptoms of TBI Traumatic brain injuries are often very difficult to diagnose because their symptoms resemble those of many other, less serious, conditions. The severity of the effects of a traumatic brain injury depend on the location of the injury, the age of the person injured, and the general health of the individual injured. The symptoms of a traumatic brain injury may vary from moderate to severe, but can include: • Speech problems • Vision problems • Memory loss • Dizziness • Confusion • Mood swings • Lightheadedness • Seizures • Nerve damage • Headaches • Loss of consciousness • Loss of feeling or movement of extremities • Loss of cognitive ability • Change in personality The brain is the commander of our body. Every movement we make starts with a signal from our brain, and the brain also controls who we are, how we react to certain situations, our sensations, and our emotions. This is why traumatic brain injuries can have such a devastating effect both physically and mentally. Causes of TBI Some common causes of traumatic brain injuries include: • Penetration of the skull from a foreign object, such as a bullet • Automobile accidents • Slip & fall accidents • Motorcycle accidents • Tumors • Stroke • Lack of oxygen Traumatic brain injuries cannot be cured; however, the progression of the injury can be stopped. The symptoms of traumatic brain injuries can often go unnoticed for hours, or even days. This is why if you have been involved in any type of accident, and even if you do not feel like you have been injured, you should seek medical attention immediately.