Staying Green Like Marc J Bern

When you are a lawyer, like Marc J Bern, you want to stay green and reduce your carbon footprint. One thing that helps a lot, for instance, is a paperless office. Another thing people do to stay greener, is to update one’s appliances to energy saving equipment. Something people do not always think about but can make a big difference is using green cleaning products. All of these things are simple ways that can make your company green.

One of the best ways to make your office green is to go paperless. There are all sorts of unnecessary pieces of paper floating around in an office. A lawyer, like Marc J Bern, undoubtedly has offices full of papers. Every client has his or her own file. In those files is lots of information that are all over many pieces of paper. All of this can easily be converted to databases and stored in a computer. The files can even be linked and searched much easier than by looking through the hard copies. Although computers can make some people nervous, a lawyer, like Marc J Bern, knows that he or she can trust modern technology. A paperless office should not make a person worry. Backing up files is much easier to do and actually makes files safer than a second hard copy.

Offices use so much electricity, which comes from coal. These coal burning power plants are the cause of a lot of carbon being released into the atmosphere. When an office, like the law office of /?q=node/26025" Marc J Bern , converts to all energy saving appliances, they make a huge difference. Offices have so many appliances constantly being used that people do not even think about. There are air conditioners and refrigerators that are sometimes in the back of one’s mind. There are also the normal fax machines and photocopiers that usually come to mind when a person thinks of office appliances. New computers can also make a difference to an office’s carbon footprint while also being better for office efficiency. When a lawyer, like Marc J Bern, does his or her part to reduce his or her carbon footprint, it makes a big difference in a community.

There are other simple ways that a person does not usually consider but goes a long way towards helping the future. Many people know about recycling or using reusable shopping bags instead of plastic ones. What has been catching on in places, like the offices of Marc J Bern, is using green chemicals. The build up of dangerous and poisonous chemicals in our wastewaters is a problem that many people do not consider. People will wash their floors, sinks and windows everyday and pay no mind as to where the chemicals are going beyond the drain. When even one office, like that of Marc J Bern, changes over to green chemicals, it can make a huge difference.