Buy Dca Through Online Sources

For medical researchers, it is not easy to search for a drug, which is capable of treating deadly diseases like cancer. However, there has been much speculation over a simple chloroacetic compound and its action on animal tumors. Dichloroacetate acid or DCA has been studied clinically and applied on rats to determine whether it has any effect on cancer. The researchers discovered that there is a significant shrinking of the tumor, when DCA is treated on them. As of the current times, there are researchers trying to conduct a study to prove that dichloroacetate can also be used to treat cancer in the humans. There have been negative feedbacks regarding the application of DCA on human beings due to the negative effects that occurred during a controlled clinical study done on children with MELAS, which is an inadequacy in the functions of the mitochondria.

Because of the outcome of previous studies, there are plenty of medical practitioners that are against the use of dichloroacetate acid as a drug. As a matter of fact, this has never received a patent from the FDA and other big pharmaceutical companies. While there are some doctors that are prescribing DCA to their patients, these drugs are “off label” dichloroacetate. If you want to give this drug a try, you can buy DCA from online sources. As of the recent times, there are already a handful of retailers on the Internet where you can buyDCA. Aside from marketing products that contain dichloroacetate compound, they are also providing their consumers with information regarding the benefits of DCA.

Dichloroacetate acid or DCA belongs to the family of chloroacetic acids. It is an acid chemical compound, wherein its esters and salts are known as dichloroacetates. DCA has an acetic acid analogue of 3 hydrogen atoms, wherein 2 are replaced with chlorine atoms. The pure form of DCA is destructive and corrosive, causing harm to the upper tract of the respiratory and to the mucous membrane tissues. This is the reason why large pharmaceutical companies do not want to provide a patent for the drug. Despite this, you can still buyDCA from online manufacturers such as Better DCA. These websites just want to provide cancer patients a chance to try a drug that has been discovered to decrease tumors. These online companies are looking for ways to inform the public that DCA products are not harmful. Instead this can help them treat their disease.

Dichloroacetate does not happen naturally. It occurs from chlorination and chlorine-containing chemicals metabolism. It is prepared by reducing trichloroacetate acid. Since it is extremely corrosive because of its acid properties, only its salts are utilized as treatment. Its salts include potassium dichloroacetate and sodium dichloroacetate. Of these two, the most commonly used is the latter. The ion of DCA triggers an activity to the pyruvate dehydrogenase, which inhibits an enzyme known as “pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase”. It reduces the production of lactate by shifting pyruvate metabolism. Instead of glycosis, it metabolizes through oxidation within the mitochondria. Because of this property, the DCA has been used in clinical studies as treatment for lactic acidosis in kids.

Since there are a lot of medical researchers, who are against the use of DCA as cancer treatment, a few doctors are battling to come up with another experimental study. Instead of treating the drug on patients with lactic acidosis, they are going to apply it on cancer patients. You can find information regarding this attempt and about the drug on online sites.