A Sign Fell On Me. What Should I Do?


I was in the check out line. A couple feet away was a man on a ladder hanging up a HUGE sign. He dropped it or it fell, not sure which and it hit me in the back of my right leg almost causing me to fall. I filed an accident report before leaving. The next day my calf and upper leg are quite black and blue. While this is not a serious injury, it is a little painful. I did not go to see a Dr. because i don't have insurance. I would just like a little compensation for the pain and for the complete lack of any kind of an apology. Am I being unreasonable? Should I file a small claims against Vons? My only real damages are the painful bruises. Would love to hear what you have to say.


Jeannie, it depends on how long ago your accident happened. Hopefully, you have been to a doctor to rule out any type of serious injury. If your accident happened more than a week ago, and the bruising still exists, I would get into a doctor to make sure there is nothing wrong before deciding how to proceed on your claim.

If there is any type of lasting injury, I would sit down with an accident injury lawyer in your area to discuss the claim. I am a Florida accident injury attorney specializing in Florida car accident claims, work accidents and premises liability accidents such as trip/slip and falls, and accidents like the one you have described. We don't have Vons here so I will presume you are somewhere other than Florida. Law vary from state to state so the laws in Florida may be different than where you live.

Pain and suffering is one of the more common components of an accident injury claim . It is difficult to quantify as different types of injuries affect people differently. Pain and suffering awards can be for actual pain you feel from the injury, difficulties you experience in life as a result of the injury, or changes in the way you live your life, i.e. no longer go dancing, bowling, tennis, etc.

Its difficult to say what your best course of action is without knowing the extent of your injury. If you don't go to a doctor at all, I would be surprised if Von's will make any offers to you.

You should sit down and speak with an attorney about what happened and the injury. Most accident injury attorneys can arrange for you to treat with a competent doctor should the injury require it. Most Florida accident injury lawyers work on a contingent basis so there is no charge to for the initial consultation, and any attorneys fees are only paid once the case is settled. So, you really have nothing to lose by at least seeking legal advice from and accident injury lawyer in your area to see what your best course of action is.