Workplace accident - how to claim compensation

In the unfortunate event that a person suffers anaccident at workthat results in personal injury, it may be possible to successfully claim for workplace injury compensation .

As with allaccident claims, it is essential that the victim can prove another person, which in this case would be the employer, acted or omitted to act in a way that was negligent. Providing that a duty of care can be established between the defendant and the claimant (this is usually a formality in employer-employee relationships) and that a breach of this duty can be judged to have caused the injuries sustained in the accident, there is every possibility thatworkplace injury compensationwould be awarded.

In order to successfully claim for accidents at work compensation , the victim must follow a number of important steps. First, an employee must not let himself (or herself) be pressured by an employer to avoid making a claim – the law of negligence provides justice to those who have sustained injuries as a result of another person's negligence. Second, the claimant must seek professional medical treatment for any injuries sustained in the accident.

In the course of receiving treatment for his injuries, anaccident at workvictim should also obtain as much evidence in support of his claim as possible.

Photographic evidence of the accident scene and injuries sustained can prove very useful in substantiating a claim, whilst medical evidence of injuries should also be sought.

A victim of an accident in the workplace should also request a written statement from any person who witnessed the accident or was aware of the risk before contacting specialist accidents at work solicitors .