Compensation claim experts

Unfortunately, accidents are common and sometimes unavoidable hazards of everyday life. By no means all accidents can be prevented as it is obvious that not every possible risk can be identified and avoided. Many accidents, however, arise following the negligence of other people.

Whilst accidents frequently occur as a result of basic human error, many others should never have happened. The law aims to provide an effective remedy for victims of accidents that were caused by somebody else's negligent acts or omissions in the form of compensation or damages.

Compensation claims are processed in the courts under the tort of negligence, which comprises several key elements: the duty of care, breach of the duty of care and causation. These elements must be satisfied in order for a person to successfully claim compensation.

Compensation claimsare, therefore, subject to rigorous legal examination. In this respect, it is insufficient to argue that an accident simply ought not to have happened or that it could have been avoided. Indeed, precise legal tests must be employed in order to decide the outcome of a case on its particular facts.

As such, it is essential that personal injury claims , regardless as to whether they relate to accidents in the workplace, medical negligence, road traffic accidents or any other incident that may give rise to a claim, must be dealt with in the first instance by fully qualified, professional and experienced solicitors.

Specialist personal injury solicitors can fight for maximum compensation on behalf of clients, often under a Conditional Fee Agreement (CFA), which allows claimants to retain 100 per cent of compensation.