Road traffic Accidents - What every driver should know

Establishing precisely how many road traffic accident compensation claims are made in the UK each year is extremely difficult, as by no means all cases reach court and a proportion of road traffic accident claims are handled entirely by insurers' legal teams.

It is also true that some victims decline the services of road traffic accident solicitors in order to bring their own claims before the court. However, in the majority of cases, personal injury claims involvingroad traffic accidentsare dealt with by suitably experienced solicitors.

According to the Institute of Actuaries, some £10 billion is paid out in compensation claims every year in the UK. Additionally, around 700,000road traffic accident claimsare made annually, covering all types of accident, including shunts resulting in whiplash injuries and head-on crashes that cause catastrophic injuries.

Despite the seemingly high number of claims brought by those who have been involved in road traffic accidents (RTAs), it is thought that many people do not realise that they can claim RTA compensation . In many cases, the victims of road traffic accidents allow their insurance companies to deal with everything on their behalf.

Whilst this may seem a good idea for those who wish to take the easiest route to justice, it is not usually the most profitable; indeed, RTA claims are best dealt with by professional RTA solicitors, who can often fight for the full compensation available under a conditional fee arrangement (CFA) or 'no-win-no-fee' service.

As such, it is important for the victims ofroad traffic accidentsto contact specialist personal injury solicitors before making calls to their insurance companies.