Due to High Occurrences of Medical Malpractice, Lack of Medical Professionals Becomes a Crisis

Recently due to high insurance costs, increased cost of living, and the economic crisis medical professionals have been retiring early and choosing to switch occupations. The result of these factors has left hospitals around the nation with a shortage of general surgeons. This shortage has caused the nation to incur such a lack of general surgeons that it has become a national crisis. People are waiting from 6-9 weeks to see a doctor in which significant medical hazards could incur including medical malpractice. The most threatening realization is the fact that there might not be enough general practitioners to cover emergency hospitals across the nation. This is a daunting thought that could possibly affect the way that hospitals, individual practitioners, and insurance companies operate. The other reason why there is a lack of general surgeons is because of the high rates of medical malpractice that is taking over our medical industry. Medical malpractice affects every single aspect of the medical industry that in effect makes all treatments, procedures, and prescriptions more expensive. This is the major reason for the lack of medical professionals because they cannot literally afford to practice medicine.

Due to the high occurrences of " target="_self" medical malpractice , the shortage of general surgeons has become a severe problem that is affecting the general public. If we do not solve this problem healthcare for the public will be at risk, especially in emergency situations. One of the major problems that stems from this issue is the fact that instances of medical malpractice are still increasing. Since medical malpractice is still increasing there is no incentive for insurance companies to reduce their rates on those committing acts of medical malpractice that attribute to death and increased costs. The fact of the matter is that general surgeons are the ones leaving their jobs because they are getting paid the least. This grouped with the increased cost of living, high insurance rates, and the economic crisis gives no reason besides a moral one to convince the underpaid general surgeons to stay at their current jobs. Not only do they get paid less but they also are working more hours and more shifts than any other type of specialist or practitioner.

The lack of medical professionals has caused the medical industry and officials alike to realize that change needs to be instituted. In order for this to occur the way the majority of medical professionals must be altered. A good medical malpractice lawyer is not only an expert on the law, but also has a staff of doctors that can spot cases of medical malpractice. With the direction the healthcare industry is headed in America, it's too risky not to have a medical malpractice attorney ready to fight for your rights. Due to the increasing rate of medical malpractice acts, medical professionals must be more thorough and precise when practicing medicine. If you have been involved in an instance where a medical professional has failed to provide you with the duty of care that has been established to you, contact a medical malpractice lawyer immediately. In order to prove that a doctor or surgeon has failed this duty of care, it is imperative that you enlist the help of a legal professional to ensure that all of your needs are being taken care of.