Making a claim as a passenger

If you have an accident in a vehicle when you are a passenger, regardless of whether you are on a bus, in a taxi or getting a lift from a friend you can claim compensation for your injuries and losses. It doesn't matter who was to blame; if you are a passenger you are the innocent victim and you are entitled to make a claim.

There a few untruths surrounding passenger claims:

  • You can't claim if a friend was giving you as a lift as they were doing you a favour; wrong. It doesn't work that way, if the person driving the vehicle you were a passenger in caused the accident you can claim.
  • There has to be another vehicle involved; wrong. Every day people suffer injury when the bus they are travelling on brakes sharply and throws them to floor causing injury. If it can be shown that they broke sharply because they weren't watching the road properly and it is often the case then you can claim.
  • If you claim on your friends insurance their insurance will go up; this may be the case but if they have crashed into someone else then it's likely that the other party will be claiming against them in any event. And anyway, isn't that what their insurance is there for in the first place.

What to do if you are a passenger and an accident occurs.

If you are on a bus:

  • Keep hold of your ticket.
  • Get the name of the driver.
  • Get the names, addresses and telephone numbers of any other passengers who witnessed the cause of the accident.
  • Get the details of the vehicle and the driver of any other vehicle involved in the incident.
  • Get full details of any witnesses or passers-by who may have witnessed the accident.

If you are in a taxi:

  • Get the name and cab license number of the driver, if you booked the taxi by telephone make a note of the time and the number you called; all calls should be logged and this could be useful evidence at a later date.
  • Get the details: name, address, telephone number and details and registration number of the any other vehicle involved.
  • Get full details of any witnesses or passers-by who may have witnessed the accident.
  • Obtain the police log number and the details of any police officer who may have attended at the accident.

If you have any injury such as whiplash, sprains, bruises etc, you should, as soon as possible, go and see your doctor or visit your nearest accident and emergency unit or walk-in treatment centre. It is important that you obtain the correct and appropriate treatment and, if you want to make a claim for your injuries and losses it helps if you have medical evidence that supports your injuries.

You can look to claim not only for your injuries but also any financial losses arising from the accident. This can include:

  • Lost income
  • Damaged clothing, glasses etc
  • Treatment and medication costs
  • Care and assistance, while you recover, from family and friends
  • Prejudice on the job market if your injuries are serious
  • Any other financial losses arising as a natural reason of the accident.

Regardless of how the accident happened make sure that you speak to solicitor who is experienced in dealing with accident claims to make sure that you get all the compensation you deserve.