Colon Cancer and Colon Cancer Symptoms

Cancer of the colon cancer is the third leading cause of cancer deaths in America. There are certain signs and manifestations that most patients feel when they have advanced stage of cancer of the colon such as a substantial change in the bowel activity, regular constipation, flatulence, rectal bleeding, severe stomach pain and lethargy.

Cancer of the colon is believed to be preventable, by specialists, if regular colon cleansing is performed. Development of cancer stimulating polyps is promoted by toxins that are present, and amass within the colon wall, according to experts.

Body detox and colon cleansing can bring many health advantages. The main benefits are aiding you to shed weight, an increase in your body's energy and the purifying of your whole digestive system. Still, it also breaks up fecal waste accumulated in the colon, reduces bloating, lessens water retention as well as upholding the smooth functioning of your colon, and the rest of your body.

If recognized quickly, colon cancer can be avoided even though it is one of the most familiar forms of cancer in the world. Neverthess, it is normal for a colon cancer patient not to feel manifestations during the early phases. As soon as the fourth stage is attained the patient will feel severe pain and this is when most symptoms are noticed.

With an average diagnosed age of 64, about 90 percent of cancer of the colon examples are from individuals over 50. Scientific research prove that by age fifty or above, the ratio of individuals who get polyps in the colon is 1 in 4.

Most scientific investigation indicates that an active way of life can decrease the risk of cancer of the colon to about 40 percent. The chance of diabetes and obesity are in addition reduced when reasonable exercise is carried out.

Cancer of the colon as well as many other forms of cancer and disease have been linked with smoking as a contributing factor. When you smoke, you can worsen the risk since the inhaled tobacco can transmit cancer-causing agents to the colon and can increase the size of the cancer polyp.

Foodstuffs that are rich in cholesterol and fat are likely to raise the risk of colon cancer. The health hazard is reduced if foodstuffs like vegetables, fruit, whole grains, nuts and legumes, which contain natural roughage are consumed.