Motorcycle Helmet Laws in Maryland

Riding a motorcycle is an exciting and invigorating way for millions of Americans to experience our nation's roadways. However, motorcycles are also one of the more dangerous types of vehicles to operate because they do not offer the protective frame of a car or truck in the event of a crash. As a result, many states including Maryland have passed laws to make motorcycles safer for those who enjoy riding. Specifically, Maryland requires motorcycle operators to wear safety helmets while on public roads to prevent death and traumatic brain injury (TBI) .

Helmets Save Lives

Though some motorcyclists may resent having to wear a helmet either for style reasons or dislike of legal restrictions, the fact is that in the event of a motorcycle accident, a helmet can truly save your life. The most experienced motorcycle riders know that many automobile drivers are not skilled or attentive enough to safely share the road with motorcycles. They may fail to see a motorcycle coming, or be distracted behind the wheel. In cases where a motorcycle accident causes injury because of another driver's negligence, it is often necessary to work with a Maryland motorcycle accident lawyer to secure compensation for the injury. Riding attentively cannot always keep motorcycle operators safe from negligent drivers, which is why safety helmets are required by law in Maryland. Safety helmets drastically improve your chances of surviving a motorcycle accident and greatly lower the chances of traumatic brain injury and other serious head injuries.

Motorcycle Accident Attorneys

Motorcycle accident litigation often involves a fight with an insurance company with lawyers on its side who will seek to deny you the compensation you deserve. A motorcycle accident attorney will understand the complex legal issues involved and will fight for your rights against the insurance companies.