Summer Travel and RV Tire Defects

Every RV enthusiast should have tire safety uppermost in their minds before traveling this summer. RV tires are subject to a multitude of conditions that passenger vehicle tires normally do not encounter. During the hot summer months of driving, RV tires are used at or near their maximum loads and while parked, RV tires are unused for long periods of time and this downtime can also affect their condition and longevity. The American consumer must rely on the honesty and integrity of tire manufacturers and distributors where the quality and safety of their RV tires is concerned. Unfortunately, defective RV tires are responsible for many accidents, injuries and deaths in the United States every year. A defective or failed RV tire can lead to instant loss of control of your RV and serious injuries for you and your passengers.

Defective RV Tires

RV tire defects are more likely to lead to tire failures and serious accidents as these defects push the limits of safe usage of RV tires downward. RV tires are more susceptible to failure because they endure heavier loads, diverse road conditions and sit idle for long periods of time between road trips.

RV Tire Safety Guidelines

Follow these safety guidelines to get the best performance from your RV tires:

  • Maintain proper inflation pressures
  • Avoid excessive loads
  • Inspect your tires regularly
  • Drive with care at appropriate speeds

Tire Defects and the Consequences

Serious injury and even death can result from RV tire failure. You should not be sentenced to a lifetime of dealing with catastrophic injuries or lose someone you love because tire manufacturers choose profits over safety. Injuries sustained in an RV accident caused by defective tires cause overwhelming physical, emotional and financial burdens and you deserve to be financially compensated for the injuries you suffer due to someone else's negligence. You may be eligible for financial compensation for your medical expenses, lost income, lost future earning potential, pain and suffering and other costs incurred due to your injuries. If you or a loved one has been seriously injured or killed as a result of an RV tire defect or failure, please visit the website of the Mobile, Alabama defective product attorneys at Long & Waite, P.C. today to protect your legal rights and get the financial compensation you deserve.