Traumatic Brain Injury

One of the most devastating injuries that can occur in situations like vehicle accidents or slip and fall accidents is traumatic brain injury. A traumatic brain injury can be fatal, or lead to permanent mental or physical disability. If an accident leading to traumatic brain injury is caused by another party's negligence, a personal injury attorney can help you receive compensation to help pay for lost wages as well as hospital bills and the often astronomical costs of long-term care.

Effects of Traumatic Brain Injury

Any head injury carries with it the possibility of trauma to the brain. Brain injury can be caused by violent shaking of the head, blows to the head, or penetrating injuries. After any head injury, it is important to watch for serious symptoms, including:

  • Dizziness
  • Vision problems
  • Memory loss
  • Persistent headache

If any of these symptoms occur, or if there is any indication that something is just not right, see a doctor immediately. The long-term effects of traumatic brain injury can be severe and life changing. While moderate injury can bring about confusion and headache for a period of time, severe brain injury can have much more serious ramifications and can even be fatal. Severe traumatic brain injury can result in permanent disability that requires long-term rehabilitation. Sometimes constant, daily care must be supplied for the victim for the rest of his or her life.

Treating Traumatic Brain Injury

The mildest forms of brain injury can be treated simply with rest and pain medication. Severe brain injury will require immediate emergency treatment. Most commonly, immediate treatment works to reduce pressure on the brain. As trauma-induced swelling increases within the brain, blood vessels are compressed and crushed, reducing blood flow to the brain. This can lead to death of brain cells, destroying memory and the ability to function even on the most basic levels. Even if brain injury is minimized, in severe cases, rehabilitation is required afterward to regain normal function. Sometimes it's impossible to restore normality, requiring even longer-term and even permanent care. Even the most basic forms of care for traumatic head injury can be devastatingly expensive, and long-term care is far beyond the ability of most families to manage. If the injury occurs as the result of another person's negligence, a personal injury attorney can work to gain the compensation you need to pay for this care for yourself or an injured loved one.