Advice on Accident Claims

Advice on accident claims can be sought from the solicitors who specialize in accident claims. There are lawyers who are exclusively handling the accident claims and who can offer good advice on accident claims when approached by the affected party. There are different types of accident claims like the work claim, where a claim can be made if the accident has occurred at the work site. There are claims that can be made for medical negligence, defective products, school accidents, road accident claims, whiplash injury and many such claims can be made and there are professionals who give valuable advice on how to file a claim and the evidence required by law while filing an accident claim.

The following are some of the advice on accident claims that have to be kept in mind when making an accident claim -

· It is always best to record and make a note of all the information that you can observe and see at the place where the accident took place. A keen observation will help when you are making the claim. You can give all the minute details to your accident solicitor when you are making the accident claim.

· It is also important to make a note of witnesses if there are any. It is helpful to collect the addresses and phone numbers of those who witnessed the accident. Such eye witnesses can throw light on the cause of the accident.

· You can always take the picture of the place where the accident took place. Pictures of the accident site will always add weight to the claim. It will prove that you are right and the accident is a result of the negligence of the other party.

· If you are injured in the accident the nature of the injury has to be recorded.

· If the police personnel are available in the accident site it is important to collect the case number from them, if a case is registered. Also the insurance details of the other party have to be noted.

· It is important to go to a hospital after the accident to get treated and get the doctor's opinion about the nature of the injury.

· Also you have to keep track of the expenses that you have incurred as a direct result of the accident.

Another important advice on accident claims is that the time frame that has to be kept in mind. If the victim wants to file an accident claim, it has to be made within three years from the date of the accident.

The professionals who offer advice on accident claims state that the cases are generally settled within twelve months from the time of registering but some of the cases will be long winding depending on the severity of the injury and the amount claimed as compensation. Competent accident attorneys would be a big help for claimants. They would be able to wrest the rightful claim amount from the insurance company if the insurance company tries to take the claimants for a ride.