Although cervical cancer - Sandra insisted having a baby. The story of sensitivity, determination and motherhood

Sandra Kent refused to give up the right to get pregnant when she became ill with cancer of the cervix. She insisted, had surgery first of its kind - after recovering from birth to daughter Ariel.

The story of sensitivity, determination and motherhood

Turbulent saga of life Sandra Kent began at dawn phone call she received six years ago. On the line was a gynecologist's secretary, honest examination findings to the PAP ("Pap" test survey designed to detect pre-cancerous signs) carried out recently, is invalid. Sandra, then single and 33, performed the test again - When the results came was asked to report to the clinic as soon as possible. "Within a few hours I was at the doctor," she recalls. "He assured me that the test findings show that the pre-cancerous condition, which requires surgically removing small lesions, was done under local anesthesia." Not long later, she supported her family and her good friend, a gynecologist Dr. Hanna Shapiro, Sandra moved to the surgery.

That, in fact, only Sandra's troubles began. Shortly after the surgery the doctor threw a bomb to her: it was not possible to remove all the cancer lesions, and to save her life can not be helped further surgery, which leaves the uterus in full.
"It was a big market," says Sandra. "I could barely get a word, and when I did it, it was just to make it clear that I refuse to give up the possibility of having children." But the doctor, like many others with whom he consulted later, she gave a one-handed - clear: We are here to fight for your life, not your dreams.

Sandra Kent was shattered. Her friend, Dr. Shapiro, tried to reassure her. She told Sandra about one of her patients, ill surgery to remove the tumor abroad, a special technique which preserves the uterus. The method was developed by Professor Daniel Edraz June, world expert Gynecology hospital in Lyon, France.
Sandra: "Israel turned out that two women had the operation abroad. I called one of them greatly encouraged me and turned me to Dr. Ofer Lavie, director of the gynecology unit Caramel Medical Center in Haifa. He did not then have the operation performed, but gathered the data and information about these cases in Israel, and escorted the two Israeli patients analyzed Abroad.

"I met with Dr. Lavie and he explained to me that only during the operation in accordance with the findings would be impossible to tell whether it is possible to preserve the uterus, or have no choice but to remove him. He also brought me the option cervix cannot hold the pregnancy progresses, so there is a high risk of early abortions and births. Still, with heavy heart, I decided to undergo the operation method. I still saw a better option than the alternative. "

Dr. Ofer Lavie colleague Professor Uzi Beller, a gynecologist, director of women give birth Shaare Zedek Medical Center in Jerusalem, decided to invite the French expert, Professor Edraz John, to do the surgery the first time in Israel. The operation was conducted in July 2003 Caramel Medical Center and transferred to broadcast live video into the hospital's conference, where watched him gynecologists from around the country.
When she opened her eyes Sandra Kent after surgery, she saw before her the Dr. Lavie, who said she had two words: "inside the womb!" Sandra: "I heard the good news. I smiled and fell asleep again."
A week after the surgery she was released to her home a few days later informed that all lesions removed, sparing her chemotherapy. However, it became clear, she would have to stay in a medical follow-up and avoid putting the next six months pregnant.

Get Well, Wedding, Birth

After briefly dating site Sandra met Tom, a Chinese medical expert, and the two became a couple. The second meeting had told him about the surgery.
A few months later they married. Spontaneous pregnancy did not survive the tenth week and after a few months that Sandra could not conceive, she began fertility treatments. Even those treatments, which lasted one and a half, have failed. The couple returned to spontaneous attempts, and Sandra came pregnant twice more, two cases ended Bell miscarriage.
They turned to Professor Howard Achraf, recurrent abortion clinic director Sheba Medical Center, and a series of tests. Found that abortions end associated with thyroid function, which is the base of the neck and regulate the body's metabolism.

Sandra: "The solution to the problem was simple - taking a daily pill Altroxen (synthetic hormone Thyroxine replacement). Two months after I began to receive the drug, got pregnant. Hopes were accompanied by serious concerns. Week after week I was praying that pregnancy will last."
The week – 29, Sandra suffered bleeding and was hospitalized in the medical center to save the pregnancy until birth. The week - she was 36 and started contractions water breaking. Culture and was head of the medical team who performed the cesarean section. Successful conclusion, on 20 July this year, just six years after surgery, was born (weight 2400 kg) Baby in a mother first surgery to remove a tumor of the cervix. This is Ariel, now five months old.

Sandra Kent is very important to today say: "did all the routine tests required. Know that the doctors do not always know all the options for your problems. Ask, Ask and check for yourself - and devoted himself to handle a doctor who treats you as people with lives and emotions, not as long as medical record. "