A Heart Medication Lawsuit Will Take Care of Damages Done to You or to a Loved During Heart Surgery

Trasylol, a type of rather costly drug administered to bypass surgery patients for the duration of their operation to help stop undue blood loss, is at blame to have generated an overwhelming amount of cases of heart failure, kidney damage and even heart attack. A heart medication lawsuit should be filed particularly if patients that have experienced bypass surgery were uninformed to the concern of Trasylol being used. In such a situation, heart medication lawsuit circumstances can be linked to kidney failure lawsuit cases, as Trasylol kidney damage is a common occurrence when such drug is used.

A study in the New England Journal of Medicine published in the year of 2006 has indicated that cheaper and sager alternatives to Trasylol have been on the market for a while. The generic names of such medicines are tranexamic and aminocaproic acids. The former is just about 30 times cheaper than Trasylol (compare a dose of Trasylol as expensive as $1,200 and a dose of tranexamic acid with a cost of $44), whereas the latter is more than 100 times less expensive than Trasylol (only$11 per dose).

A kidney failure lawsuit is even more rightfully filed if we consider the fact that the aprotinin used in the Trasylol medication increases twice the risk of kidney failure – this is a rather considerable and unfortunate Trasylol kidney damage risk that many patients would not assume if they knew about it or if they were correctly informed on such an aspect. Postoperative acute renal failure is a severe difficulty resulted from bypass surgery, which has grown even more dangerous and more frequent when Trasylol has been used. It is not known with precision the manner in which bypass surgery leads to kidney failure, but the drugs used to control blood flow are one of the main factors that trigger such a damaging reaction.

Ballpark figures reach a minimum of ten thousand patients likely to have experienced Trasylol kidney damage. Kidney failure lawsuit circumstances are justified here. Patients going through bypass surgery are for the most part uninformed as to the use of Trasylol while they were being operated on. We want to take care that, in the case where you have experienced Trasylol kidney damage or Trasylol myocardial infarction, those that are responsible for the production and placing on the market of Trasylol are charged and penalized accordingly. A kidney failure lawsuit is justified in the case where Trasylol has been used, as various studies have shown that the risks involved by the use of Trasylol are comparably higher than those involved by the use of other drugs.

Indeed, Bayer has withdrawn from the market their Trasylol product. However, hear medication lawsuit cases can still be brought to the knowledge and judgment power of the court of law, for you to have your compensation awarded and your suffering alleviated, even if in some situations such compensation may not be sufficient. The issue is that such a Trasylol heart medication lawsuit will hold accountable those who are really at blame for the injuries you or one of your loved ones have experienced.