Compensation for Brain and Spinal Injuries

An injured person is eligable to claim compensation for the pain and suffering they experience as a result of an injury which was not their fault and also for other expenses related to the injury.

It is likely that a person who suffers a spinal injury or brain injury will need to alter their surroundings and make changes to their lifestyle on a permanent basis and these adaptations can be costly.

Costs after a traumatic brain injury or spinal injury can include medical costs, changes to the victims home, living costs, and more.  Other possible costs include personal care, rehabilitation, occupational therapy, physiotherapy and equipment.

Compensation claims for serious brain injuries and spinal injuries can be valued at millions of dollars but only an experienced personal Injury Lawyer will be able to achieve the maximum settlement amount.

Expert Persoanl Injury lawyers are also often able to obtain early payments for our seriously injured victims that can make a  big difference while the full amount of compensation is being negotiated.

Brain and Spinal Injuries change your life and the life of your family forever. Serious injuries of this type can very very complex. A personal injury lawyer with the experience, dedication, and reputation for success is required.

Compensation can be paid in a variety ways;  lump sum,  periodic payments or a combination of each, Periodic payments.

Time limits govern when you must notify the responsible parties that you intend to bring a claim and they govern when you must start your claim for compensation. These time limits can restrict your rights to recover your losses. Not everyone is entitled to claim compensation from the person who caused the accident. Each claim is different.

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Toronto's leading personal injury law firm ( )