Five Signs Of Ineffective Lawyer Towards A Dog Bite Case

You were accidentally bitten by a dog of your neighbor. Because of the incident, you barely need the service of a dog bite lawyer to handle your case. However, there's a tendency that you are not satisfied with his service that you expect. Now, how could you determine if he's really not the one you are looking for? The one who has a courage to implement an action regarding to your case of dog bite. Well, you can sense that your chosen lawyer is not that good and effective by the following observations while dealing with him:

  • He is frequently getting the reason why a certain animal had bitten you. Well, one question will do, so no need to repeat it. The attorney has to get and study your side not the dog itself. In the first place, you are his client and not the animal!
  • He may not even feel sorry for your wounds and scars. What is more disappointing if your lawyer will say "it is just a small wound". Are you really dealing with the right one?
  • There's a tendency that the lawyer will suspect you anything that made the nerve of the dog rose and bit you. Actually, whatever the reason of the dog is, the point is you are already bitten and there's one liable for that- dog's owner!
  • His office might be full of certificates and awards that proved how effective he is in the field. But then, he cannot able to assure you the compensation you'll receive. He might also explain that your demand is just a small issue. Well, what is the use of a dog bite attorney anyway?
  • You feel uncomfortable every time you go to his office. His secretary might be growling at you (like a dog). His files are not well-organized. With this situation, what will you expect to the chances of your case?

So, you have a final decision that you will replace your attorney. But then, the process is not as fast as the glimpse of an eye. You must do it in professional way like meeting him personally. If he refuses to meet you, then you have no choice but to change him to the one who is more effective. You should know that firing a lawyer once you are already in litigation is not a good idea unless you've lined up a replacement attorney. The reason for this is that many lawyers will never take a case that is already filed in court especially if it is mishandled by an another professional. So it is better to evaluate your attorney before the litigation in the court to be more convenient in making a final decision. I'm not only giving you the five signs of bad lawyer, but also, I included five tips to avoid the dog bite issue. Here below are some helpful advices:

  • Never approach a certain dog especially if you didn't ask permission from the owner.
  • It is a bad idea if you'll surprise the dog.
  • Don't approach a strange dog while he is eating
  • Don't disturb a mother dog while nursing her babies
  • Never pick up a puppy especially if the mother is around.

These are just an avoidance tips but you surely need a good dog bite lawyer in case that you are unluckily bitten by this four-legged animal!