Watch Your Step - Don't Be a Statistic

Have you ever fallen and could not get back up?  That was a pretty serious fall if that was the case.  Statistics show slip and fall cases account for more than 1 million injuries a year, in the United States alone.

Although they seem like the simplest of accidents, they rarely are.  Depending on how the person falls, what they land on, whether it is bones or a fleshy part of the body, determines how serious the fall can be.

There are many reasons why someone slips and/or falls.  Examples could be because of the lighting in the establishment (or lack of), the surface they are walking on, how a floor has been cleaned or not cleaned, a spill over the surface, the victim losing balance, uneven flooring or even the products used to clean – polish a floor.

These accidents also can be caused by rain, snow, ice, water, oily or slippery substances or other debris on the floor.  They can occur as a result of cracks, potholes, uneven sidewalks and building code violations. They can happen inside or outside of a building.

Slip and fall accidents are caused when property owners or store owners fail to maintain their property in a safe condition, thereby causing and creating a hazardous and dangerous  condition for anyone who enters their property.

These mishaps occur all the time.  If this happens to you on someone else's property, the owner may be liable for your injuries.  When we are in a public place, we have the right to be notified of any potential spot that can be hazardous to us.

It is said that as we walk, we scan only about 10 to 20 feet ahead of ourselves. If we are not in the present moment, we will not notice the changes if there are any.  And most of us do not operate in the present moment all of the time.

Can you think of a time when you drove somewhere and then after you arrived, you didn't remember driving there?

If we can see or know ahead of time there is a hazard, we can most likely handle it without experiencing a slip and/or fall.

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