Situations for Compensation Claims

A personal injury is not enough; many other things go into making a compensation claim. Although any personal injury which occurs due to another's negligence is eligible for compensation, it is often very difficult to prove this. Thus, many factors come into play when deciding whether you will get compensation or not. Mentioned following are the types of personal injuries and what can make or break their compensation claims

1. Workplace Accidents
You're entitled to compensation if you can prove that your employer's negligence led to the accident. You will also need to prove that you did not lapse while taking precautions. Negligence here means that your employer failed to provide reasonable care and safety as required of him by law or as deemed fit in the situation. Also, before claiming compensation, you should have brought the injury to your employer's notice and also asked him to compensate.

2. Falls, slipping and tripping
Personal injuries arising from falling, tripping and slipping are also eligible for compensation provided you can prove that the accident took place when you least expected it. Therefore if the sign says 'Wet Floor' and you slip while walking on it, you can make no claim, regardless of whether you saw the sign or not. Reasonable warning was provided for you to be able to take care of yourself. However, if there was no such sign and you broke a hip, then you're entitled to compensation.

3. RSI
Repetitive Stress Injuries arising out the nature of your work are also eligible for compensation, provided you can prove that the injury occurred due to the physical stress inflicted upon it because of your work and that it has now caused you to not be able to work as before. Also, you were not warned by your employer prior to the task of the risk of RSI; nor did the employer maintain that he would not be responsible.

4. Road Accident
Compensation in case of road accidents can get messy, simply because it is not always clear who is at fault. Unless either party confesses, it will take some sleuthing on your part to be able to prove that you were not at fault. You will need to collect proof in the form of photographs, police records, driver information, witness statements, and anything else you can lay your hands on, which will at least prove that you were not at fault.

5. Accidents in Public Place
Accidents that occur in public places like parks, streets, public libraries, tourists spots are generally the responsibility of those who are responsible for maintenance of these places. However, you will not be able to make claims if you were found to be flouting laws.