Lawsuit Funding

If you are searching for lawsuit funding you should begin by contacting LawLeaf today!

Lawsuit funding can be defined as a lawsuit cash advance against a pending personal injury lawsuit. The most common lawsuit funding types are those of pre settlement funding cases. There are several benefits for those people that appy for lawsuit funding. First, lawsuit funding for personal injury cases are typically loaned as non recourse, meaning you don’t pay back the lender unless you win your claim Second, it can help you pay down debt while keeping your case alive. Oftentimes people settle for less compensation because they are in need of cash.

Prior to accepting a settlement think about the repercussions of ongoing medical expenses and other expenses related to the accident. Its important to understand once a case is settled, you can’t receive additional monies at a later date.

Because most personal injury lawyers advice their clients to seek ongoing medical treatment prior to settlement the amount of time that can lapse prior to compensation can be long. A lawyer should never advise their client to take a quick settlement without going through proper medical evaluation.

There are essentially four different types of lawsuit funding advances. Depending upon your situation will depend upon what type of funding to apply for.

The 4 different types of lawsuit funding options include pre settlement funding, structured settlement annuity payouts, commercial litigation financing and law firm loans.

  • Pre-settlement funding - personal injury related accidents involving the plaintiff / victim

  • Structured settlement - case has already settled and advancement is against monthly or yearly payouts
  • Commercial Litigation Funding - includes cases such as breach of contract, class action and discrimination cases
  • Law firm loans - advancement both to a firm or for personal injury related cases.

Depending upon which type of option you are considering will determine which type of company you will need to deal with.

LawLeaf an online funding service works with a network of lawsuit funding lenders who provide cash advances for all 4 different options. If you are considering lawsuit funding you should contact LawLeaf today. By applying with LawLeaf you can take advantage of their vast network of lenders and their willingness to compete for your business.