Faith and Family

Where do I begin?  To all who knows and loves someone with any type of cancer, tread carefully.  I am a cancer survivor that remembers all of the experiences.  Cancer is a deadly, sneaky and underhanded disease that tries to take all as prisoners.  It doesn't matter what kind of cancer or male/female, black/white, either.  Conversations with your doctor's about what's next or what's ahead of you in this fight is crucial to your survival.  It's just like everything else in life:  you have to know what you're fighting before proceeding.  The key to surviving is to set all of your ducks in a row.  Start from the beginning, should I get a second opinion?  Yes, if you trust your doctor that's fine, but it's all about you, now.  Seek out cancer centers{choose any center in any state} for your needs and your  needs only.  Many centers cater to your travel and living situations with regards to your family life.  Doctors tell you how far you have to go down this road, so be ready for positive thoughts and prayers on your behalf for yourself.  You are in charge, cry or whatever you feel you need to do.  Pray for yourself and never think differently.  It doesn't matter if you don't get along with your friends and loved ones at this time, but they'll forgive you when you heal.  I had ovarian cancer 16 years ago and I have no problems to this day.  I took 30 kinds of medications, 1.5 years of chemotherapy, I weighed 60 lbs. and I am 6 ft tall.  I am a female with two kids and almost two grandchildren(Sept.4,2010=due date).  They have sofas and loungers at most doctors offices; use them to lie down if you feel the need.  Most important complete your treatments and take your medications.  I know that it's easier said than done, but we all have the survivor skill in us and we use it at the time we need it.  What I am saying is, you are going to have the will to fight even when you surrender.  Treat your disease with the best possible environment and doctors, because it is not easy, but you can surely be comfortable.  My mom and in-law both have passed away due to cancer, both fought knowing the outcome.  My mom had 3 cancers and my in-law had a rare cancer, but both stood tall til the end.  I was 23 years old when diagnosed and today I am 40 years old, the cancer was finally diagnosed at stage four, but I survived even though I really was trying to defeat time, cause stage four is the last and final stage.  I am an ovarian cancer survivor, ya'll.  God is there always, for you and for me.  Miracles happen all of the time.  Don't get discouraged by the truth just begin your journey.  Become everyone's HERO and defeat the enemy.  Family support is very crucial at all times so keep them close to your heart and soul.