Being the Victim of a Burn Injury Can Mean a Lifetime of Both Physical Scars and Emotional Scarring

The tragedy of losing your home, your personal belongings, or your business from damage that has occurred due to a fire, is comparable to that of losing a loved one. A fire can cause a loss that can be an extremely devastating experience for everyone involved to have to endure. When a person or family has become a burn victim or a death occurs due to a fire, this devastation that everyone goes through is magnified many times over.

Sadly, for children who are in the age group of fourteen and younger, fires and burn injuries that end up resulting in accidental death in homes in the United States, are the most common cause of accidental death. For adults, deaths that result from injuries that were caused by fires in the home, is third in being the cause for accidental deaths.

Being the victim of a burn injury can mean a lifetime of both physical scars and emotional scarring. Leading professionals who have the expertise and specialize in burn injury cases, that have occurred in West Los Angeles, San Bernardino, San Diego, and all of Orange County, will handle your needs with compassion. They will assist you and your family in locating only experienced medical professionals for injuries you have sustained and need treatment for, such as melted skin, scarring, the loss of your ability to sweat, and any nerve damage you might be suffering from.

Most people may not be aware of the fact that statistics have proven that at least fifty percent of all burn injuries that individuals suffer from, are preventable. The staggering number of burns that are reported each year reach a total of approximately two point four million, and one-third of preschool age burn injuries are sadly created or caused by a child. The Journal of Burn Care & Rehabilitation, May/June 1992 states between eight and twelve thousand patients who sustain burn injuries will die, and as many as one million will suffer from very significant or permanent disabilities which are the direct result of their burn injury.