Multi Car Accident Near Santa Paula, California Leaves Twelve Injured

Rojas tried to move into another lane to pass the vehicle which resulted in hitting it, which then sent him spinning into the eastbound lane, according to the Ventura County Star.  At this point, Rojas was hit broad side by a truck driven by Maria Troncoso, and Oxnard resident who unsuccessfully tried to avoid the crash.  The passenger in Rojas' SUV was thrown from the vehicle, which resulted in severe injuries.  At the time of the crash, the passenger was not wearing a seatbelt and suffered a lacerated spleen, along with a collapsed lung.

Serious injuries were also suffered by Troncoso and a child in her vehicle.  Some of these injuries included chest, leg and internal injuries, and facial fractures.  Recent rains resulted in slick road conditions, and Rojas was driving at excessively high speeds for these conditions, according to the California Highway Patrol.

Since good weather conditions exist nearly year round for Southern California, accidents rise when an unusual patch of bad weather comes along, and California personal injury lawyers have noticed this.  Rarely are snow storms and other inclement winter weather seen in California, but it is still crucial that motorists are aware and take precautions when their is a bit of bad weather, which makes road conditions more hazardous.

Wet roads often make for reduced visibility and slippery surfaces.  When rains are extremely heavy, the roads can become flooded with water, which means hydroplaning can occur.  Pounding rains also prevent motorists from hearing the signals of other motorists such as horns, making it even more treacherous.  Hydroplaning occurs when rain causes your tires to lose contact with the road, and all too often motorists apply their brakes suddenly or accelerate, which increases the chance of flipping or rolling over.  During periods of weather like this, you should avoid speeding, and drive at slower rates than normal.  When motorists do hydroplane, the best thing to do is remain at your current speed and guide your vehicle calmly, without any sudden turns, until your tires make contact with the pavement again.

After an extended dry spell, rains can make for increased dangerous conditions because of the mixing of water with accumulated grease on the asphalt.  This increases the risk of crashing, and personal injury lawyers recommend driving at reduced speeds in inclement weather.  Motorists should also wear seatbelts at all times, and keep a safe distance between you and the car ahead of you.