Tire Blowout Risks and Accidents

Quality tires are key to having a smooth and safe ride in any vehicle. When a vehicle's tire pressure is low or the tires become unevenly worn, they may affect the stability of the vehicle, creating an uncomfortable drive that can cause greater problems later on. In extreme cases, worn or poor quality tires can blow out while the vehicle is moving, causing the driver to lose control and possibly be involved in a crash.

Tire Issues

A bad tire is a major hazard that can lead to a costly accident. There are many different tire problems that can lead to a blowout, such as:

- Pinch flat caused by an under-inflated tire
- Puncture caused by road debris or hazardous object
- Worn tread
- Substandard manufacturing
- Poor tire construction
- Tread separation
- Poor tire design
- Tire shredding

These are all potential tire risks that can cause a vehicle's tire to blow out while in motion. Sometimes a driver is able to anticipate a flat tire or may be able to pull over easily after getting a flat tire. In other cases, however, the motorist may have little time to react and the blowout may cause him or her to completely lose control of the car. This is especially true on highways, when a vehicle is traveling at high speeds and where it can be difficult to slow down and pull over quickly. A blowout can cause a vehicle to veer out of its lane, possibly causing an accident or leading to a rollover crash.

Tire Blowout Liability

Depending on the circumstances of your tire blowout, someone may be responsible for the dangerous conditions that led to your accident. The tire manufacturer may be liable for a defective tire or a mechanic may be responsible for incorrect installation. Conversely, the jurisdiction in charge of maintaining the road where your blowout occurred may be liable for neglecting to clear the road of hazardous debris that punctured your tire.

If you have been involved in an accident caused by a tire blowout, it may be in your best interest to consult with a car accident attorney as soon as possible. An attorney can help you determine who is liable for your accident and will fight to hold the responsible parties accountable in a court of law. You may be eligible to receive accident-related compensation for your injuries and damages, including payment for your medical bills, lost wages from time off of work, recovery costs, car repair costs, and pain and suffering.

For More Information

To learn more about tire blowout accidents and injury liability, please visit the website of the Bronx car accident lawyers ofParker Waichman Alonso, LLP, today.