Car Accident Injuries

Car accidents, by their nature, can cause a wide range of injuries and disabilities, depending on their severity. As such, car accident claims are quite common and they're the second most difficult claims to prove, after medical negligence. Whether a car accident is severe or not depends on a lot of factors – the vehicles involved, the speed, the road/terrain, and other factors, that are unique to each case.

In worst case scenarios, car accident injuries result in death. In some cases, driver/passengers are disabled, temporarily or permanently. A worse possibility is paralysis. Another common injury that people complain of is whiplash. This injury occurs to the muscles of the spine and the neck when they are jerked forward and back at a great speed. Car accidents are apt situations for whiplash injuries. The bigger problem with whiplash injuries is that they show symptoms after a long time. Because spinal muscles take a long time to repair – almost up to a year, depending on the care taken – whiplash injuries are chronically painful and cause a lot of difficulty in doing every-day activities like walking or bending.

At times injuries could also be psychological. Car accidents in which victims have near-death experiences, or worse, experience the death of a loved one, result in trauma and a lot of emotional damage. Often it takes longer for people to come back to a 'normal' mental and emotional state than it does to recover from physical injuries. Many people spend days in shock, and are forever afraid to drive or be in a car. Psychological injuries of this type often result in lot of mental anguish and stress. Particularly, in cases of hit and run, where the accused are not caught or not punished, victims are never able to get closure and move on.

Whether the damage is mental or physical, minor or severe; as long as it is undeserved, it deserves compensation. If you have suffered in a car accident, don't delay seeking the advice of a lawyer on how to go about seeking compensation.