Why am I going on a Goals Course?

For my holidays this year I have booked onto a weeks Goal Setting course. ‘What on earth for?' I hear you ask yourselves. Why not a fortnight in the sun lazing around, eating good food etc? Well, I decided I wanted to look at different alternatives to the annual summer break each year.

I have attended a weeks' retreat seminar in the states before which was amazing. But this time I felt the need to concentrate on setting my goals, as I always mean to do this especially at New Year but only end up making a half-hearted attempt! Know the feeling? So in the end your resolutions, goals or whatever you wish to call them never materialise.

So, this time I thought it was about time I got myself some advice on what to do. How to word my goals properly so I will gain maximum chances of achieving them. This course I am going on sounded just right so I took the ‘bull by the horns' and booked myself on.

Oh, the other thing is that the rest of my family are joining me! Wonderful! My partner and two sons are very enthusiastic about Goal Setting as they are all forward thinking people and willing to look at themselves and discover what is stopping them from achieving their dreams.

As a parent this is fantastic as my boys have embraced this aspect of Personal Development whole heartedly. They are open to new learning's and new ways of looking at things and what is best of all is that they are not afraid to look at their own feelings and emotions. This will undoubtedly help them as they go through life and face everyday challenges.

Anyway, wish me well on this course and I will let you know how it all went next time!

Thank you for reading