You've got to set goals!

Jim Rohn really harps on a couple main ideas in his world famous seminars and personal development programs. The first of these lessons is that you absolutely have to take responsibility for where you are in life. But not only that, you must take personal responsibility for where you are going as well. Where we want to go and where we do go in life is up to us. The other really big idea that Jim Rohn speaks heavily about is goals. To put it another way, your goals are your dreams. Goals and dreams are vital, and for very good reasons.

Mr. Jim Rohn likes to say that your life goals are the set of your sail (as in a sailboat). His well developed analogy is that people are like ships. Everyone has a sail on their personal ship. The wind blows on all of us as well. Some people have a great sail, some are pointing in the wrong direction, and then there are those people in life who don't even have their sail up! He really makes a good analogy actually, and he covers it in just about every Jim Rohn audio book that I've listened to so far.
The set of YOUR sail determines your future
The interesting thing about the analogy is how true it is. The same winds that blow on our personal sails also blow on everybody else. Some winds include the economy. Politics are another wind. So are taxes, your neighbors, friends, and relatives. All of these make up the so-called winds in life.

However, even though that same wind blows on us all, people have amazingly different lives! Some people are poor as dirt, unhappy with their lives all while living in prosperous countries. And then there are other people whom are able to live happy, successful, and loving lifestyles.

What's the difference between these radically different people? The answer is the set of their sail. The set of your sail is your philosophy on life, the actions you take, your attitude about life, and of course your goals and dreams are part of your sail.

The primary point of this article is to get you thinking about your goals and dreams. What is your goal in life? Where does your sail have you going? Is your sail even up?

Finding Your Dream
If you want to change your life you absolutely need to take appropriate action. Answer these questions right now: What are your goals in life? Take time to think about your own aspirations and dreams. If you're on your death bed, what will you regret not doing? Are your dreams and goals crystal clear or hazy and vague?
If you find that your own dreams are hazy and vague then you need to clarify that. Nobody else can do it for you! And until your dreams and goals are clear you will be what motivational superstar Zig Ziglar calls a "wandering generality." Zig Ziglar proclaims that your goal is to be a "meaningful specific" and you do that by finding out what you want to do and then consistently working on following that path.

Are you still having trouble finding your dreams? Then please take some quiet time to do some personal reflection. This article has time-tested solid advice that I learned from Jim Rohn, and that he learned from his mentor Earl Shoaff. What Jim Rohn learned from legendary Earl Shoaff helped turn him into one of the most influential speakers in the world of self help and personal development. There is no doubt that Earl Shoaff can help you as well.

Here's a list of next action steps you can take:
Do your reflection.
Write things down too if it helps or you are stuck.

Once you have your dreams then take the necessary steps to make sure you are following them, and make sure you don't accidentally fall into someone else's plans by mistake! If you want more help along the way there is always more available to you.