Journaling: 5 Ways to Work toward Getting What You Really Want

There's something about journaling that brings just what you need into your life.

When you focus your energy on an issue, get clear on what you want, and put it down in writing, you set yourself on a path to get it.

The process of journaling gives us clarity on what we really want in our lives when it comes to money, sales/selling, relationships, career, health, and, most importantly, our Self.

In order to get that clarity and move toward goals, we have to take the time to know our Self better, by doing a lot of journaling and sorting through the barriers like fear and negative self-talk and thoughts. Once we do that, we realize that all of the answers, the strengths, the abilities, and the courage to make change are inside of us.

Through journaling, we increase knowledge of our own capacities; but the process also works subtly over time to focus energies so that you suddenly realize you have achieved your goals: your intention is indeed manifesting in your life.

If you'd like to begin such a process of transformation, here are five ways to use your journal in order to clarify what you want and start manifesting it in your life.


Sitting down and writing a question in your journal is something you can do anytime. If the answer doesn't quickly come, walk away. Later, seemingly out of nowhere, you may find yourself saying, "Ah Ha!"  Then you return to your journal to figure out together what to do next.

For example, if you lose your job, you may ask yourself, "What am I going to do now?"  And then after lots of journaling, the questions may become more positive, more self-aware: "What kind of work doIwant to do?" "What aremyloves?" "What amIreally good at?" And even "Hmm…how do I start my own business?"


Do you have trouble sleeping? Some people dread going to bed because it's so hard to turn off their busy brains. They can take sleeping pills, but a better solution is to journal.

Journaling in the evenings, doing "night notes," writing down whatever you feel, just dumping out stuff from the day, clears your mind so that it will give you permission to rest. The practice helps give a message to your brain that it's time to shut down for the night.


Journaling is an opportunity to change the way we talk to ourselves, to make the internal patter less critical and more encouraging.

If you think, for instance, "I should be journaling," try thinking about your goals instead: state, "I really would like to …" or "How do I …"

Practice being positive and you'll find yourself excited to work toward your goals.


Write a letter to someone or something that is driving you crazy. Afterward, you can wad it up and throw it in the trash. Just releasing that negative energy will help you feel calmer and let you reconnect with your positive, healthy energy.


Sometimes you just can't seem to get started, and in that case, it can be helpful to select a prompt. There are many sources of inspiration both online and offline; lists and books that offer hundreds of prompts whenever you need one to get your journal entry started.

Simply moving your pen across the page can open up your flow of thought. Try writing the lyrics to a song, or just describe the environment around you.

Journaling helps you reduce stress, fears, and deal with inner crazy characters so you can get back to your wise center and resume envisioning, creating, and working towards your goals.