You must put the pressure on yourself

Far too many people sit back and wait instead of taking action to achieve their biggest goals in life. For some reason or another, they seem to be waiting for someone else to come and motivate them or even force them to become better than they already are. They are waiting for someone else to come to the rescue and fix their multiple problems like financial concerns, career problems, or family relationships.

The sad truth is that many people, perhaps more than we care to think about, end up waiting their entire lives and never achieve their dreams because they have never taken responsibility for their own lives. They may spend their days in wishful thinking about how things could be different, even though they never take action to move in the direction of their dreams. Hence, their wishes remain dreams and never take the form of concrete, achievable goals.

They may even spend most of their time fantasizing in order to escape from the real circumstances. This will only guarantee that their lives remain the same (assuming they don't deteriorate), while creating a further gap between their actual lives and what they wish they could achieve.

What is the solution to this problem? Well, one of the most important habits you need to form in order to maximize your chances of success is the ability and willingness to put the pressure on yourself. Decide exactly what it is that you want in each area of your life. Then simply break down these long-term goals into smaller, more achievable goals. You can then create a list of objectives, and you should have monthly, weekly, and daily lists.

Once you determine what the most important tasks are, both in the long-term and on any given day, you must force yourself to begin working on these items and continue working on them daily until they are accomplished. Consistency is the key when tackling long range problems. You cannot create wealth or transform your physical physique in one day. This will require consistent effort over time. There is no other way to achieve this type of goal.

I'll leave you with this simple thought: if you continue to do the same things on a daily basis, you'll continue to get the same results. It is up to you to decide whether those results were acceptable or whether you want more out of your life.