Women of Today: the 'new Superpower'

We talk about equality, equal wages, political correctness and acceptability in all walks of life. But it is worth considering whether these factors apply, when it comes to women. They are paid less in their work places and in the field of games. It’s a kind of accepted saying that women work less than men and therefore deserve less! It may have been true in the past when women were expected to stay at home and look after the children and nothing more. But women have changed over the years: they have come out!

Intelligent, sharp-witted, agile, independent and immaculately dressed; there you have it,the New Superpower, the women of today! She is capable of accomplishing anything, if given the chance. She goes out to work and return home in the evening, only to find that the evening meal is yet to be prepared! How many men do you find who are happy to show their culinary expertise in the kitchen? It is expected of women, but the reverse is true for men; of course there are exceptions to the norm. Men today are more willing, to try cooking, cleaning, change the occasional nappy and perhaps even to cope better when the wife earns more.

Gone are the days when she toiled at the kitchen stove all day long; she is aware of her needs and willing to fight for them. She expects to be given the respect she deserves, both at home and at work. Women were happy, to deal with the daily routine of ordinary life, parents' evening, swimming lessons, music and dance classes, sitting room full of colouring books and toys and still are, but they demand more. They have realized their intellectual potential and determined to do something about it! One likes to believe that the dumb dame stigma has withered in the wake of equal opportunity. She is still branded as loud if she as much as voices her opinion and would be snubbed if she happens to be more intelligent in certain circles. The dictum, ' Women should be seen and not heard' is still very much alive! Men still find it very difficult to accept new ideas when it originates from a woman.

Women on two wheels have become a familiar sight on the roads of most Asian countries during the past few years; it is not unusual to find a woman taking her whole family on her two-wheeler, children to school and husband to work and then manages to reach her office on time. It would have been inconceivable a few years ago! One can find even driving schools run by women just for women. She has a major part to play in every aspect of the family decisions and how it is implemented; at least she likes to believe that she does!

It is rather difficult combining a career and a decent home life, ‘super woman' though she is. She needs to feel supported and fulfilled. Is she stressed out? She may arrive at work feeling as if she has already done a full day's work, colleagues may doubt her commitment to her jobs, making it difficult for her. She may be told that children with behaviour problems were the products of families where mothers worked, despite her belief that children get more quality time. Women of today expect their partners to contribute towards childcare and household chores. Most women even find time to help the children with their homework. It is a known fact that the women are in the fore- front, in the field of medicine, nursing and teaching, to name a few.

These days, women are even controlling their reproductive destiny to some extent. Contraceptive pills are not the only ones on their list, but emergency contraceptive pills, the Implanon, IUD/IUS, the patch and the injection are very much on their list of things to consider.  They are aware and quiet willing to accept other methods when any of these fail. Women are determined to decide when they wish to have babies and how. They need, not just babies but the power to create an environment that is fit enough for their survival financially and socially. The welfare of their children, family and society is enshrined as the guiding principle in all their endeavours. Women are capable of considering their options and making evidence based choices.

Today's women are learning to avoid situations that make them stressful and it is a hard struggle to reach that goal. She has found music, yoga, aerobics, swimming, aromatherapy, massage and hypnotherapy that gives her the quality time amidst the multitude of chores! There will be a few who would class her as the ‘High maintenance woman'. Despite all this, the new woman, the Super Power has arrived, who still believes in the power and value of a family unit that she is quite determined to hold in high esteem.