Develop Your Vision Statement

Here’s an exercise for you that could reap some nice rewards. Gather a group, personal friends or business associates. Write on a piece of paper or white board a focus for the meeting such as developing a vision statement for college, a job or reaching your business goals comfortably.

Each member should answer questions from a group perspective. They discuss their answers with one another, coming to an agreement. They then write down the group response.

“Members need to provide honest and complete answers to a series of questions that relate to you or your business future” states author Don Midgett of Mission and Vision Statements: Your Path to a Successful Business Future. “These exercise questions can be used in any effort or circumstance for understanding what you desire to accomplish.”

1. What would you or your business like to become or develop into over the next three to five years?

Vision is a declaration of a desired future - no wonder many colleges are asking for mission statements and vision statements on applications!

Vision also has to be agreed upon with business colleagues by clear communication.  It is the communication on this vision statement that will allow you to determine and reach the goals that will carry you to the vision.

2. What makes you or your business unique or distinctive?

Consider both personal and business beliefs and values. How do you hold the vision?

“The answers soon reveal themselves as to who you are and how you will manifest the vision whether in your personal or business life” Midgett writes.

3. What excellence or special expertise do you or your business offer?

Always work or manage out of a sense of vision, not out of a sense of desperation or someone else’s fears.

4. In your personal or business future, the measure of success is __________________.

Select words and phrases that have meaning for you and your group, make a list of them and then work them into a visionary sentence or two to develop your personal vision statement.  Continue to read the statement for a few weeks, daily, and make the changes that you will want, as you re-read it every day.

The benefit of this exercise is that you will soon approach many decisions in your personal or business life with confidence that you are in alignment with your real ideas on success and your desired future.

For more on mission statements, vision statements and leadership development go to .