Motivating Students Through Self Goal Setting

The process of motivating students through self goal setting is an important one, and one that is often overlooked. There is nothing better in not just a students life, but in all humans lives, the act of goal setting. In educating students, the best gift you could ever give them is foundations, and foundations are what goal setting is about.

Imagine for a moment a student's formal educational life. The student will go through maths, not for the ability to do algebra, but to be able to handle the opportunities and obstacles that life presents.

A student will learn English, not to be able to write a novel, but to be able to communicate effectively with others. This all comes together, but often the most important aspects that a student should learn, they will never learn.

As a custodian of individuals who will one day be at the forefront of generations, these little things which can make a big difference, are something that curriculum should encompass, but doesn't. As you learn these principles, you can impart them on your students.

So, why goal setting? Why is motivating students through self goal setting important? Humans are like goal striving organisms. We get hungry, we find what we need, and meet that need.

Goal setting becomes a system rather than a simple process of cars, houses, etc. Goal setting becomes an important aspect not just in material goals, but also other aspects, such as today, in the student's education.

But here is where golden things happen. Goal setting and goal achievement do 2 things. The first is that the achievement of a goal allows the student to gain confidence. The second point is the actual process of thinking what you want, and taking the steps. This again gives a confidence in self.

Shy people become confident, and failing students become major successes. Motivating students through self goal setting is the best way to get students to think for themselves. When a student knows what, and why, they can work to achievement.

When a student is not totally interested in education, but learns about goal setting, they often can find a relation between the topic and their own lives. For example, knowing maths allows the student to be confident with handling money, and perhaps stopping themselves from getting 'short changed'.

There are many examples in life, where people who gained the skill of goal setting changed there lives from being drop outs, to major successes. If there is one gift that you can give your students it is motivating students through self goal setting.

I sincerely hope that you will consider this information. Self worth is an important topic, and so is confidence. A confident student can lift their hand up, to give an answer, even if they are not sure. That student will push forward because they know what they want, and why they want it.