Why Set Goals?

It's a fair question. After all, our lives are busy enough, without spending time doing more than just daydreaming about what we'd like to be doing, if we really had the time, or the money, or the energy...

And there's the answer. Why should we set goals? Because if we don't, there is a very real chance of getting something else as time goes by - and that's a whole heap of regrets.

Have you heard the saying that people never regret the things they do; they only regret the things they don't do? It's true. And it's a good starting point for making changes in your life. Whether you make small changes, like cutting back on the biscuits at teatime, or big ones, like changing jobs and moving house, they will all have the effect of changing your life for the better.

We all have busy lives. But it's easy to get caught up in the everyday hustle and bustle, and forget all the things we want to achieve. And that's exactly why we should take some time out - even if it's just half an hour - to think about what we really want from life.

Miss your favourite soap for an evening. Take half an hour at lunch to sit and think about what you'd most like to achieve. Take a long soak in the bath. Believe me, that half an hour could be the best investment you make in the rest of your life.

Take a notepad and pencil, and jot down everything you'd like to achieve. Big and small. Significant and silly. Write it all down. Then pick the one thing that really stands out from the rest. The one that makes your stomach flop and the adrenalin pour into your bloodstream. The one you really want.

Next, write it down. That might sound simple, but there's a way to do it that will boost your chances of success enormously. And when you consider it's a fact that 80% of people who write their goals down achieve them, you'll be virtually guaranteeing that your goal becomes a reality!

The secret? Write your goal down as if you have already achieved it. So, if your goal is to lose two stone in weight, you'd write something like this:

"I weigh ten stone, and I look slim and healthy. I enjoy wearing smaller clothes, and I eat a healthy diet rich in fresh fruit and vegetables."

Write this on a number of Post-It notes, and stick them where you are most likely to see them. I tend to have my current goal stuck on my computer, as I will see it constantly throughout the day. It really works, too. Every time you read it, it will embed itself further into your subconscious, and you will find yourself starting to do things that will bring your goal closer to being a reality.

This technique really works. Try it. Put it into practice, and stick those Post-It notes where you will see them the most.

Go to it, and good luck. You really can achieve everything you want to in life.