Does God Want Me to Enjoy My Job?

Picture a grandfather who gives a grandson a toy.  A few days or weeks goes by and the boy is now tired of playing with it.  Once the boy informs his grandfather of this fact, guess what it makes the old man want to do?  Of course, he wants to buy another toy for his beloved grandson.

I believe the same thing relates to our Heavenly Father.  Even if you get tired of something you were once passionate about, God still wants you to work in your passions.  1 Peter 4:10 says "God has given each of you a gift from his great variety of spiritual gifts.  Use them well to serve one another.”

What are you doing to move into the work you love?  One of the reasons I often hear from the naysayers is they feel irresponsible leaving a guaranteed paycheck when their family is counting on them.

If you have been a long time reader you know that it is much easier to make money doing something you love than doing something you dislike.  It does not matter if you are a doctor, lawyer or pastor.  If you use the gifts God has given you to help others, you will never have to worry about money.

General Douglas MacArthur stated years ago that "Security is your ability to produce." Do not allow your security to be stored up in falsehoods like an employer paying you simply because you have worked there for the past seven years.  Instead, create your own security.  Look to your skills and abilities and utilize your values, dreams and passions, along with your personal tendencies to find work you love.