"healing Cancer"

The cure for cancer has not only been found, but made easy in this video narrated by Mr. Anderson. “HEALING CANCER” is a documentary loaded with current and valid scientific evidence, quotes from various researchers, and interviews with the Americans who have cured themselves. Most of these people felt like victims and had one or more of the following concerns:

• Frustrated and angry at doctors and hospitals for deliberate deception in the use of drugs, chemotherapy, radiation and surgery as the “cure” for cancer.

• Sick of being told there is no alternative!

• Tired of having the wool pulled over their eyes on the lies doctors and the advertising media have delivered.

• Upset and stressed out over the spiraling costs of their health insurance (over $12,000 per year) which gives them no lasting cure!

• Worried about how they are going to live or retire with enough strength and money!

Now these same people are calling health insurance “sickness insurance” and some actually have become grateful for the cancer, as it woke them up to the realities of the power of food! Personally, I’m thankful someone has stepped up to the plate to show these people how to take back the responsibility they have delegated to medical doctors. As for myself, I have personally done my research and have practically applied a plant-based diet since 1977. I also studied various scientific reports and assorted testimonials, and after careful review of the “HEALING CANCER” video by Mr. Anderson, am convinced and thereby can emphatically state that beyond a doubt, if one changes one’s lifestyle towards a natural whole foods, plant-based diet and exercises a bit, one will dramatically reduce one’s risk of cancer and heart disease.

Our moment to moment judgment on the food we eat and do not eat is crucial to our health and happiness. The cause of cancer is our ignorance of the universal order in nature. There are detrimental effects of our improper thinking, eating and lifestyle. The cure for cancer is our education and training in and practical application of the healing and beneficial effects of wholesome plant foods provided by Nature/God/Infinity!

Along with this recent video documentary, there are countless books that point to a plant-based diet as the best approach to preventing and even reversing Cancer. Some of the best ones are:

• THE CHINA STUDY, the most comprehensive study of nutrition ever conducted, by T. Colin Campbell, PhD. and his son Thomas Campbell

• IN DEFENSE OF FOOD, by journalist, Michael Pollan

• ENDING THE FOOD FIGHT, by Dr. David Ludwig


• THE FOOD REVOLUTION, by John Robbins


• BECOMING WHOLE, by Meg Wolff.


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