The Subconscious Mind, The Law Of Attraction & Goal Setting

The basics of Goal Setting is an open secret known by top-caliber athletes, successful businessmen and businesswomen and all types of achievers in all the different fields from politics to acting. Accessing the subconscious mind and firmly implanting your goals there is critical to ensuring you will achieve those goals. Getting to grips with setting goals and invoking the law of attraction will give you short-term and long-term motivation and focus. They will help you set focus on the acquisition of required knowledge and help you to plan and organize your resources and your time so that you can get the best out of your life.

Consider this : The one thing high acheivers and self made millionaires have in common is the mastery of their minds - the most direct path to developing such mental mastery is to get to grips with your subconscious mind , Each one of us have billions and billions of brain cells at our disposal to aid us with our goal setting , Our subconscious mind is at work twenty four hours a day controlling our digestive systems as well as our breathing - we should take advantage of this knowledge to get the law of attraction working for us.

Here are some pointers that should be taken into consideration in goal setting and and using your subconscious mind and invoking the law of attraction to aid you in achieving them.

Attitude plays a very big role in goal setting and the achievement of those goals. You must ask yourself if any part of you or your subconscious mind is holding you back towards completing the simplest of tasks ? If there are any parts of your behavior that is being a hindrance (working against invoking the law of attraction) or puts your plans into disarray? If you do have problems in these areas then the immediate thing to do is to address this problem. Solutions may include using subliminal recordings focusing on specific aspects of your personality. Here are some areas of life to consider focussing on along with some additional pointers to help with moving towards the life of your dreams :-

Careers : are made by good time management practice. Failing in a career is often attributed to bad time management. Careers require a lot from an individual which often makes the career the life of the individual. Plan how you want to go into your career.

Education : is key in achieving your goals. If your goals require you to have a certain kind of degree or require a certain specialization or demand a certain skill to be developed, make plans in getting the appropriate education.

Pointers :-

1. Take passionate action towards living your life by design. Talk is cheap. Action = deposits in the bank of a passionately authentic future. Without it, passion is void.

2. Commit to yourself as well as those you love to create powerfully a life you can love. Instead of reacting, commit to creating from your heart and soul, out of love rather than fear.

Consider this : One neuron in your brain may be linked to as many as 50000 others; the brain is estimated to contain over 100 trillion connections. The total number of connections is higher than the number of atoms in the universe. Why not take advantage of this resource invoke the law of attraction and use your subconscious mind to aid in your goal setting ?

To start achieving your lifetime dreams by using goal setting, harnessing the power of your subconscious mind and invoking the law of attraction, set a quarter of a century plan, then break it down to 5 year plans then break it down again to 1 year plans, then 6 month plans then monthly plans, then weekly, then daily. Then create a things-to-do list for the day. Always review your plans and prepare for contingencies. The basics of goal setting should not be so difficult once you get to be familiar with them and with the use of subliminal recording you can readily address various areas of your life.