Are You Successful? Yes or No? Which Life are You Leading?

Which life do you lead?

Do you consider your life to be constructive or would you describe it as destructive to you and all around you.

Both result from a chain reaction, one leading to a downward spiral and the other leading to an upward spiral.

Living a Destructive Life

What do you remember about your childhood, early adulthood?

Is it failing exams, being told off for not going to school, failing your driving test, leaving your first job because you kept making mistakes and thought they would probably sack you anyway?

This perception of your early life can only lead to a negative self-image.

Your subconscious mind constantly focuses on these negative situations. When a new situation comes into your life, say you get a new job; your subconscious gets to work analysing this new set of information. It takes it apart and compares it to what has gone before.

'...only stays a maximum of 18 months in a job so will have to move on in a year or so.'

'...had trouble with the boss in most past jobs so will have trouble with this one.’

' on with colleagues for the first six months then relationships went downhill so will have problems with colleagues by the end of the year.’

Your subconscious mind does not rationalise…

…it simply takes the facts that have gone before and acts on them.

In this case it sees a new job as something temporary and tells your conscious mind that you should expect all of the problems you have had before.

This leads to a negative perception of your job.

A negative perception leads to lack of confidence, lack of motivation and ultimately depression.

What chance does your new job have? None! This will impact on your wider life making it harder and harder to get what you want in life - so you sink deeper and deeper into depression.

Living a Constructive Life

What do you remember about your childhood, early adulthood?

Is it playing with friends and siblings, holidays you have enjoyed, getting your first job?

This person's subconscious mind is very busy!

Busy relating new situations to all the good things that have gone before! If this person decided to set up their own business their subconscious would be saying something like this:

'..Well this is new but I have been successful in my career so far so I will just use those skills and experience to succeed in my business.’

'..I will have to find new customers but that is OK because I have always been very good at developing customer relations.’

'..Once I am up and running I will need new staff but that will be fine because I have always got on well with the people reporting to me.'

What do you think is happening in this person's life?

Because they are focusing on success, they are looking forward to achieving it.

This makes them feel motivated, which in turn leads them to take action. This action gets results so they feel more motivated (and happy!) and so it goes on.

Which life are you leading?