This Week, Make a Change!!!

Have you ever thought about the idea that you have the power to make a change in your life?

No, this isn’t about global warming, or the presidential campaign, or even going green. This is about you taking control of your health. I’m sure you heard the phrase, “Your body is a temple.” But do you really understand the responsibility that comes with having a living, breathing body? Or are you putting one foot in the grave by abusing yourself?

Many people look at themselves in the mirror and aren’t satisfied with what they see. Have you ever thought about the idea that the temple is not about the fancy architecture, or the expensive windows, or the beautiful columns? It’s about what happens inside the building that counts, the work done, the effort that goes into that work, and the outcome of that work. It’s about the good people who work in the building, putting their blood, sweat, and tears into the projects produced.
It’s how people feel inside and out, more than how they look.

Your body is just like that. True health starts from within, and you have total control of your health. Of course, disease happens that we have no control over, but for the vast majority of us, we can make changes, small and large, which effectuate long term benefits.

I’m sure you’ve heard the idea of taking the stairs instead of the elevator, or parking in the farthest parking spot, or even eating more fruits and vegetables into your daily diet. Well, guess what, these changes actually work and make you healthier!!!

So, this week, when you’re filling out your calendar, include at least two changes that you need to make, and something to improve your health. It might be as small as taking the stairs this week, or as large as starting a walking program, but whatever it is, make sure it’s something you believe in doing, and then just do it.

You have the power, so TAKE CONTROL!!!