How To Achieve Financial Success And Live The Life You Deserve

If you are struggling with financial success, you may want to read on to see how this can all change for you. I struggled for years to just make ends meet, and now I have more money and assets than I ever thought possible. I did not win the lottery or receive an inheritance. I believe it all had to do with the way I was thinking about money and financial success. Please allow me to explain.

I was constantly looking for a new career or a new investment. I took many jobs I did not enjoy, just because they promised a good salary and the opportunity to advance in the near future. But I did not look forward to going to work each day. Finally I would actually dread getting out of bed in the morning, and soon after I would leave the job for one reason or another. This went on for twenty years. Each time I would return to the safety and comfort of work I had done in the past, but I felt terrible about my life and my self-esteem and confidence were at an all time low.

This also happened with my investments. I like the idea of investing in real estate and looked for small houses and apartment buildings where I could make improvements, rent them out, and then resell them for a profit within two or three years. I did make some money this way, but the tenants always had problems and situations that I became caught up in. Again, it was an unhappy life for me.

I found myself approaching the age of 50 three years ago. I had no savings, a meager retirement account, and owed more for my home than it was worth. I knew I had to make a change or the rest of my life would just pass me by. This is when I began to read and learn about success. I had not had the benefit of people around me who could guide me in this area, so I was learning everything for the first time. I was not sure this new way of thinking would make any difference in my own life, but I felt that I had nothing to lose. I completely changed my way of thinking, and within a few short months my life began to change drastically.

Within a year I had sold my house, moved into a brand new home in a beautiful city twenty miles away, quit my full time job, and began doing what I enjoyed. In my case that involved writing and working on the internet. I now make three times as much as I used to, work from home, and have been invited to tell my story in cities all over the country. Every day is an adventure, and I look forward to jumping out of bed each morning and starting my day. I am also involved with several local charities, and this has become a source of great joy in my life.

Financial freedom is now part of my life experience, and it can be this way for you as well. I encourage you to learn these simple ways of thinking and acting that can bring you the financial success you are looking for in your life.