The Power of Written Goals

A study at Yale University polled the graduating class of 1953 and discovered that 3% of the students practiced writing down their goals. A follow up twenty years later found that the 3% that had written down their goals were worth more financially than the other 97% combined! It also appeared that this 3% were more successful in other ways, too, such as having happy relationships.

To maximize the power of writing down your goals, 1) be specific about your desired outcomes, 2) have a plan, 3) if possible, define a way you will measure your progress or the time you will devote to achieving your goals, 4) give a time table as to when your goals will be achieved, 5) review your goals every day and do something towards making them come true, 6) make adjustments to your plan as you encounter obstacles, but do not give up your dream.

If, for example, you wish to double your income over the next two years, 1) this is a specific goal. 2) Your plan is to apply for higher paying jobs. 3) Money is easily measured so that fulfills this requirement. 4) Your time table for this goal is two years. 5) Your plan may include sending out two resumes a day. 6) If you find that after six months you have not found a new position, you may wish to rethink your plan and find a more successful strategy.

Recognize that achieving any goal will probably require making sacrifices. Contemplate what these sacrifices may be, and be willing to make them for your goal. Earning more money may require taking greater risks, putting in more time, changing cities, or doing work you don't enjoy as much.