Creating a Vision Statement for Life: How to Achieve Your Ideal Life!

Creating A Vision Statement For Your Life:How ToAchieveYour Ideal Life

How do you imagine your ideal life?  What is it you want from life?  How do you see the future of your life?  In other words, what is the ultimate vision for your life?  Before you can ever expect to achieve that life, you must know what specific vision you have for your life and how to articulate that vision.

This article will give you the exact process to begin achieving the life you want to live.  There are two essential steps to achieving whatever you want in life.  First, you must clearly define and write down your ultimate vision for your life.  Secondly, you’ll be setting specific goals that consistently move you closer to your ultimate life.  Once you’ve put all this together, you’ll be empowered, motivated, and have a plan to get you exactly where you want to go.

Imagine planning a trip cross country and not having a set destination.  You would just be driving around aimlessly hoping to end up where you want to go.  After all, if you don’t know where you’re going, how will you ever get where you want to go?  So you must know where it is you want to end up with your life.  You must know what you want from life.  You must also know how to clearly define your ultimate vision by actually writing it out on paper.

Don’t miss this point; you must write down your ultimate life vision.  You must have a set clearly written destination for your life.  Without it, you’ll just be aimlessly wondering through life hoping to end up where you want to be.  However, with a stated well-defined vision, you can accurately make specific plans to achieve the exact life you want.

The Four Categories For Your Life’s Vision Statement

So how does one begin to define the life they desire?  How do we visualize the life we truly want and then develop that into a literal vision statement for our lives?  The process is not complicated and does not take long at all.  First, you’re going to create four categories to create a framework for your ultimate vision for life.

These four categories can best be described by four separate words: Be, Do, Have, & Give.  These words will create the frame for what you ultimately want to achieve with your life.  Below I’ve given you a brief list of questions for each category to help you define the vision for your life.

Be– What do you want to Be?  What kind of a person do you want to be?  Do you want to be a father, mother, a good friend, a leader, etc.  Who is the person you want to be when you are living the life you truly desire?

Do– What do you want to Do?  What kind of work would you like to be a part of?  What kind of fun activities would like to do?  Do you want to travel, golf, bungee jump, etc?  Do you want to write a book, start a business, learn a new hobby, etc.?

Have– What do you want to Have?  What stuff do you want to have?  What toys would you like to be able to play with – a new car, new house, a jet?  What intangibles do you want to possess – good health, happy family relationships, strong spiritual life, etc.?

Give– What do you want to Give?  What would you like to share with the world?  Do you want to give knowledge or time to an individual or group?  Would like to give time and money to a non-profit organization or church?  What would you like to pass on to your family?

Creating Your Life’s Vision Statement

All you need to do is make a list for each of these four categories.  I would suggest you simply start with a list of 5-10 items per category and actually write down these lists of what you want to Be, Do, Have, and Give.  You should consistently add to these lists.

Once you’ve created these lists, look over each of the lists again and then write a page or two describing your ideal life that you’ve outlined with these lists.  This will be your vision statement that you will read at least twice each and every day, once in the morning when you wake-up and once when you go to bed at night.

Understand the power of writing down what you want from life and then reading it each and every day.  Our brains are goal-seeking devices and were designed to manifest whatever is put into them.  Consistently putting the description of your ideal life into your brain will not only motivate you, but also provide your mind with a specific picture it will creatively work to achieve for you both consciously and unconsciously.  For more information on this concept, read Maxwell Maltz’s classic book, Psycho-cybernetics.

The Stepping Stones To Living Your Ideal Life

Now that you’ve written your Be, Do, Have, Give lists and then written your Vision Statement, you’re ready to develop the plan to achieve that life by setting the right goals to eventually get you where you want to go.

There’s been a lot written about goal-setting and unfortunately too many people dismiss the real power of goal-setting because they don’t really know how to successfully set a goal.  Goal-setting is simple, but it must be done in a certain way to make it work for you and your life.

The following are four key qualities of goals to make them as powerful as possible.  When you set any goal, be sure it follows these four characteristics and you’ll be on your way to living the life you want.

The Four C’s To Successful Goal-Setting

Complimentary– A major source of stress in our lives comes from uncomplimentary goals.  In order to see the highest levels of success in the fastest time, goals must be complimentary.  That is, goals must work together, with one another and not against each other.  Having a goal is increase your time at work for increased profits and at the same time having another goal to spend more time with family is not productive.  These two goals work against one another thus slowing down the entire process.  You may have to delay one goal to a later time to maintain a list of goals that work together.  Be aware of all your goals you are working toward and make sure they compliment one another as much as is possible.

Composed– Goals MUST be Written, Specific, & Measurable.  You have to write your goals down on paper and keep them in front you consistently, at least once every day.  Your goals have to be specific.  In other words, you must be sure your goals are not abstract or too general; they must deal with a specific issue or part of your life.  Saying you want to be a better parent is not a goal.  Lastly, goals must be measurable.  This is associated with making goals specific, but also means that goals must have a deadline (time, day, month, and year) and must be quantifiable.  “I want to make more money,” is not good enough.  A better goal is, “It is 1:00pm on March 4, 2012, and I am making $12,000 every month.”  Besides being specific and measurable, notice that the goal is also written in present tense.  This is a technique to make your brain believe that the goal already exists thus motivating your brain to work to achieve that reality like a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Catalyst– Setting goals as catalyst will keep you motivated and consistently moving toward your ideal life.  Essentially, you are going to bribe yourself to achieve your goals.  That is, when you develop your schedule of goals, build in rewards with certain milestone goals and then give yourself that reward.  Maybe when you achieve a certain income goal, you are going to take a vacation or buy something you want.  These rewards partnered with goals work as catalyst pushing and pulling you forward and provide something for you to look forward to.

Care– You must have passion for and genuinely care about what you are trying to achieve.  Anytime you begin to lose that passion or get frustrated, you must mentally and emotionally link the achievement of your goals with your Vision Statement.  You must realize that working toward the next goal and achieving your goals is moving you closer and closer to the life your ideally want to live.  Stay passionate and care about what you are doing by staying focused on the ultimate outcome…living the life you want.

There you have it, a goal-setting system that is proven to work for anyone who takes the time to implement it.  Combining this goal-setting system with your Be, Do, Have, Give lists and your life’s Vision Statement, you’ll have the necessary tools to consistently move toward living the life you’ve always wanted.

Do not underestimate the power of the written word and be sure, if you haven’t yet, to back complete the various exercises outlines in this article so you can begin to move forward with your life and live the life you truly deserve and want sooner rather than later.

More FREE Information To Live The Life You Want!

You can get more information regarding these concepts and aFree Report:The One Universal Law You MUST Know To Build Wealth & Achieve Your Dreams!Justbe sure to go back to , fill out the form on the right, and then visit the Free Resources page.  We encourage you to take action today and everyday to achieve the life you deserve and desire.  There is simply no substitute for taking action toward your goals and ultimate vision for your life.