How flexible are you?

How flexible are you?

Do you know someone who sees only his way of doing things and no other way? Do you know that flexibility is one of the main keys to success?

There is a study that was done on mice to know how flexible they are and how they would behave, so the ones who are in charge of this experiment placed one mouse in a labyrinth, which has a piece of cheese. The mouse tried different ways to get to the piece of cheese and at the end the mouse got it. The people who are in charge of this experiment did the same thing again and once again the mouse didn't try only one way, but he tried all possible ways to get to the cheese.

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You learn from this experiment that you have to be flexible when you want to achieve a specific goal and that if one plan fails, you have to try other different plans and ways. You might run into obstacles all the time and if you are not flexible enough, you won't achieve your goals and desires.

Look at Thomas Edison, he had to try 9,999 different ways to invent a bulb. If he wasn't flexible enough, he wouldn't have tried many different ways to invent the bulb and would probably have given up when he ran into his first obstacle.

Let me ask you, are you flexible enough? Are you willing to do whatever it takes to achieve your goals? What would you do if the road that you usually take to work is closed and under construction? Would you take another road or would you go home? If you have goals that you want to achieve, then flexibility is needed.

Tolearn to be flexible enough to achieve your goals and success, follow the steps below:

1. Figure out what you want to achieve.

2. Prioritize your goals.

3. Write down 5 plans that will help you achieve your goals, so if one plan doesn't work, you will have an alternative plan.

4. Think of all obstacles that you could encounter and find a solution for each obstacle.

5. Always think outside the box and be creative.

Always think of new and better ways to achieve your goals. Be prepared to be flexible enough, so if you encounter any obstacle, you will have a different plan to achieve your goals and desires.

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