Is The Passion Test a scam? This is a test that is designed for people to take not just once but every couple of months in order to help them keep track of their life purpose. This is necessary as our goals and vision can always change as we grow up.

It has helped me understand many of my own personal key success elements that are helping me to lead a happier and more fulfilled life now. If you decide to take this test, you should do it on your own and not let others influence your decision making as someone else's ideals and goals will definitely not be exactly the same as yours.

Will The Passion Test Work For You Too?

Many people refuse to believe this test and think that everything is in their own mind and control. However, they fail to realize that they may not even know what their life purpose is, and therefore have nothing to strive towards that ultimately cause them to lead a meaningless life. As you will find out by reading this, love and talent are 2 things that go together, and you should be doing what you enjoy rather than working for others.

Why Do We Take The Passion Test , and How Does It Benefit Us?

Without a life purpose, your mind will be forever jumping around from one thing to another, tricking you to do less important things in your life for the sake of security and safety. I am sure that you would feel that way if you have been working all your life but see no point and joy in doing so. Rather, we should all discover what life wants us to do rather than lead an empty life.

Why More People Actually Need to Take The Passion Test?

Studies have found that more 80% of people today are doing things that they have no passion about at all, and I am sure nobody wants to end up like that. This is the Harris Interactive Study that shows that only 20% of people like what they do.