Have You Got Goal Envy?

Did you spend time on 1 January this year setting goals for the year ahead? Have you reviewed them since then?

How well have are you travelling against those goals? Are you happy with your progress or are you watching others zooming past on their trajectory with a tinge of envy?

Isn't it interesting that we get caught in the habit of thinking everything always needs to move forward in a linear direction, a,b,c, 1,2,3, one step after the other. We fall into the trap of thinking that there is only one way to achieve our goals and therefore if we aren't heading along a straight path we give up and think we've made no progress.

In fact, the goals that you set at the beginning of the year may now be quite different to the goals you want today.

How often does that happen in real life? When have you ever started out on a path and everything has gone along smoothly in a perfectly straight line?

Isn't it more likely to go up and down, side to side, weaving in and out? For me things often unfold as one step forward, two steps back and sometimes a sideways step.

You see it's so easy to fall into the trap of thinking 'it's halfway through the year, I should be halfway through accomplishing my goals.'

Should you? Really? Don't be afraid to make changes to your goals as needed. Being flexible and course correcting is a necessary part of success. Reviewing your goals regularly may be just what you need to move forward.

Are you comparing your progress against someone else? Just because they appear to be that far ahead doesn't mean it may be the right path for you.  And what if your progress was compounding steadily like compound interest?

A common example to illustrate this used in many wealth workshops is the example of the $1 million versus $1 cent gift. Would you rather accept Option A - a one off gift today of $1 million or would you rather be given Option B - one cent that is compounded daily for a month?

At the half way point - 15 days if you chose Option B you would have only $163.84, would you be kicking yourself that you should have taken the $1 million?

What about if you hung out until day 25? If you chose Option A you would still have $1 million (or whatever you hadn't spend already) but if you chose Option B you would have $167,772.16? Would you still cut your losses and take Option A?

By day 30 the end of the month if you chose Option B - you would be very pleased that you were patient and persisted in adding one small compound improvement each day? Why? Because by day 30 your little bonus would be worth a whopping $5,368,709.12 that's why!

Imagine what goals you could achieve if you took this compound approach and continued on a steady path taking one small incremental step each day towards your intended outcome.

The simple, slow and steady without quitting and without cashing in along the way really can win the race.

So don't give up on your goals and dreams. Keep on making progress and moving forward, even if it is a sidestep or two steps backwards - that's just part of the process. Start today by setting up three new goals for yourself that you want to achieve in the next three months. Then add a diary reminder to review your progress and take one small step each and every day - you'll be glad that you did!