The Beauty of Goals

You wanna get rich? Then do what rich people do. The main thing that the majority of independently wealthy people have in common is that they have set goals for themselves and achieved them. Sounds simple right? It can be if you're ready to make some simple changes in your life.

I remember reading a book about 10 years ago that stated the significance of writing down your goals. As far as I can remember a journal has always been in my vicinity. I love to write & I keep notepads all over my house even in the ladies room. I have to be able to jot ideas down at any time. New Year's Eve is a great time to write out your New Year's Resolutions & goals for the year.

When I look back on my life, the one thing that moved me forward consistently was writing my goals. After working with top notch Hypnotherapist I learned that our subconscious mind is an extremely powerful tool and having specific goals helps to channel your subconscious mind into working towards that goal.

Today would be a perfect day to write down your goals. The key is to make them as specific as possible. Specific goals also help you to create plans, steps & strategies to move you closer to your desired outcome. You will find that if you write down your goals in a journal & read them often, your subconscious as well as your conscious mind will start asking questions and coming up with answers, and you will find that you have already begun to take the necessary steps to achieving your goal.

The beautiful thing about goals is when you set your goals both your conscious and subconscious start working on it and begin to develop a beautiful action plan. You will find yourself faced with ideas daily. You will feel like it's your birthday & your opening presents because you will be bursting with new & some time brilliant ideas that you never would have imagined. You will begin to think of what needs to get done for you to achieve your goal. What's also fabulous is you will have more solutions to problems or obstacles that have been stopping you from achieving your desired outcome in the past.

Sweet dreams make for sweet ideas. Answers will come to you when you're asleep and dreaming.

If you visualize the goal & write it down. It has a way of re-programing your subconscious mind on "how" to achieve the goal. Remember the "how" is none of your business. So please do me a big favor & don't worry your pretty little head. Leave it up to your subconscious mind to figure out the how. It may seem impossible (Can I really be a millionaire?) but the more you write your goals the more you will believe you can actually attain them.

By combining goal writing with beautiful thoughts and beautiful words you will remain positive & dispel negative thought patterns. Even if you come across little obstacles you will be laser focused on finding a solution which enables you to put your brain to work, to find ways around things. Remember successful people fail more than unsuccessful people. You can overcome all obstacles. You just have to keep on keeping on.
Ungenita's Top 5 Tips To Achieve Your  Goals Now
1.    Decide what you really want & be specific avoid vague terms (a little bit, some or more) "I earn 100K by July 1, 2010!"
2.    Keep a journal & write your top 5 goals every day. This will vastly increase your chance of success. "I sell 10 programs by July 1, 2010!" "I weigh 150lbs by July 1, 2010"
3.    Speak positively at all times & refrain from speaking about what you don't want. "I love my job & I am attracting my ideal clients & customers".
4.    Everyday commit to taking action on your goals. Your "To Do List" should include daily action steps for your goals to come to fruition. "I am making 10 sales calls today"
5.     Act as if you've already achieved the goal & visualize what your life will be like when you accomplish your goals. "I enjoy getting paid well for my products & services.