Personal Brainwashing--Creating Success From The Inside Out

Private Kirk seemed like the last person you'd want in your army.

He was overweight and out of shape. He smelled. The kind of guy other guys like to poke fun at. Not what I expected to see at US Army Basic Training.

It took my friends and me by surprise when our drill sergeant named Private Kirk as our squad leader. Heck, lots of guys in our squad were more qualified. Did the sergeant see something in Kirk that we didn't?

We soon learned the logic. The first thing I personally noticed was that his body odor vanished. He became more focused. Within a couple weeks, he took on a swagger.

Nobody wanted to laugh at him anymore. By the end of Basic Training, I would have been proud to fight next to this guy.

What changed? How did Private Kirk go from a geek to a fighting machine, almost overnight?

Simple. He was forced to play a role. Our drill sergeant gave him no choice. So Kirk pretended to be a top-notch soldier. After pretending for so long, eventually he started to believe it. He made everyone else believe it, too.

So what does this have to do with network marketing? Just that if you're afraid of failure, then your thoughts become major obstacles. You convince yourself you can't succeed, and fulfill your own prophecy.

Aren't we all afraid, at least a little bit, when we first get involved with network marketing? I know I was. So how do we defeat these obstacles?

Following Private Kirk's lead, we can pretend we're already successful. As if we've already made it. This is the "fake it until you make it" mentality, and it's extremely effective.

When you first start acting successful, it feels very much like you're lying. To yourself and others. Eventually, though, you turn a corner, and something magic happens.

Not only do you believe you're successful, others believe it, too. And in this business, like no other, success attracts success. Others will want to be in your downline simply because you're successful, and you must know what you're talking about.

Pretending to be a successful network marketer forces you to do things you wouldn't ordinarily do. You stay up an extra hour to get things done, make that call to your downline, or place another solo ad.

Ironically, these actions lead to outward success as well. If you do the things successful people do, then there is absolutely no way you'll not be successful.

Your tone even changes when you talk business. You now possess authority. Others find that appealing and reassuring, and you're sure to attract many people.

The bottom line is this: You won't be successful until you believe you're successful. The really cool thing is that if you believe it on the inside, the outside must follow suit as day follows night. It can be no other way.

Napoleon Hill, in "Think and Grow Rich," says that "Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve." It's like planting a seed inside of you that grows from the inside out.

Like Private Kirk, you can turn yourself into a force to be reckoned with. All it takes is a little imagination, a little pretending, and a lot of desire.